Gold and Silver Continue to prove the US Fiat Dollar Debt System is Failing.

9 Apr 2024

Gold and Silver in your hand is the only money without debt attached to it. Crypt has fees with ever transaction. Just like the current banking system. Fees for transactions is having to pay money to spend money. Even if the fee is unseen the printing press erodes the value of the dollars. There is limited privacy in crypto with its public ledger, you can be found. With CBDC will have no privacy at all. But Gold and Silver have stood and continue to show the world its value and privacy. Gold and Silver are free of fees. Only time and wear erodes the value of gold and silver. 
Think about it. You can loose a gold coin and find it. You lose your bitcoin and its gone. RIGHT? It is not that I am against bitcoin or crypto at all. I simply see it as the illusion of value because is is created out of the illusion of computer programming. I say that, knowing that programming is not the illusion it is the end result that is the illusion. 
It is taking more and more US dollars of fiat currency to buy any gold or silver. The fiat currency illusion is failing. The BRICS nation may issue a "gold standard" but are also working hard to create a digital currency. How it will be valued is anyone's guess but gold seems to be a major player. Putin declared a value of $1600 or so for 1 oz of gold. The US Treasury values gold at $42.22 per ounce. 
"The book value is not the market value, but instead represents the total number of troy ounces multiplied by a value established by law ($42.222), set in 1973.."
So now you can see the market price is rising while the government still values gold at prices from the 1970's. WHY? 
Our nation debt is exploding. The unfunded liabilities of SS, Medicare that millions of Americans were forced to pay are no longer working. The system has flipped, our nation no longer has the same demographics to support these systems. LET ALONE the WELFARE state of Medicaid, Section 8 housing, Food stamps or EBT cards. The American tax payers cannot support millions of people being giving a free ride through life and wars year after year. Which only occurs for two reasons. Fiat currency and America is the worlds largest ARMS dealer. We sell death as our major export. 
But much of these problems are caused by the fiat currency system of debt and fraud. We do not need a gold standard, we do not need silver coins in our pockets, we simply need a HONEST money system that is not controlled by a private corporation. Here in America the private corporation is called the "FEDERAL RESERVE." However, it is really a private corporation who have conned the population and the political class into believing that debt has value and the more debt, the more value. Fake money, fiat money is destroying the world due to the greed of human beings. 
I find it hard to believe that this is not obvious to everyone since we all buy items nearly every day of the week. Yet so many people seem to think the word "inflation" means rising prices, when in fact it means the lower of the purchasing power of the fiat currency. Simply because more debt must be created to keep the debt based economy creeping along. Otherwise there will be a liquidity crises in the system. Since most US dollars are out of the country the system has engulfed the entire world.This is a old graph that the numbers on this image from the top down have increased to 4 or maybe five quadrillion in derivatives alone in 2024. Have the gold and silver changed much? Put bitcoin in the mix or crypto in general and you have it somewhere between gold and silver. This chart is 20 years old maybe. Imagine the paper money compared to the hard assets of gold and silver and ask yourself, if these are so scarce in nature why are they so undervalued? Because the banks and governments create PAPER illusion assets and tell you they have value even when they hold the illusion of value. 
When one of these markets fails will the entire banking system collapse? Paper assets wiped out and we are down to the GOLD & SILVER that cannot just be wiped out over night by some failure of a bank derivative in Germany. A failure that spirals the entire system into a frenzy of people unable to cover their debt and thus bankrupt and suffering under the weight of poverty. I think so. 

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