Dream Room !

18 Mar 2024

There lived a hard-working, honest and virtuous boy in a city. Parents, siblings, friends, relatives all loved him very much. Because of his willingness to help everyone, everyone from neighbors to colleagues respected him. Everything was good, but the success he had dreamed of in life was far away from him.

He worked hard day and night with all his might, but he always faced failure. His entire life passed like this and at last, after coming out of the cycle of life, he got absorbed in the cycle of time.

Because he had done good deeds in life, he attained heaven. The angels took him to heaven. Seeing the supernatural beauty of heaven, he became mesmerized and asked the angel, “Which place is this?”

“This is heaven. Because of your good deeds you have got a place in heaven. From now on you will stay here.” The angel replied.

The boy became happy after hearing this. The angel showed him the house where arrangements had been made for his stay. It was a luxurious house. He had never seen such a luxurious house in his life.

The angel took him inside the house and started showing him all the rooms one by one. All the rooms were very beautiful. At last he took her to a room in front of which “Dream Room” was written.

When they reached inside that room, the boy was stunned to see that small models of many things were kept there. These were the same things for which he had worked hard all his life, but had not been able to achieve. Luxurious house, car, position of a senior officer and many such things, which remained only in his dreams.

He started thinking that I had dreamed of getting these things in the earth, but I could not get them there. Now why are their small replicas kept here like this? He could not control his curiosity and asked, “All this… here… like this… what is the reason behind it?”

The angel told him, “Man sees many dreams in his life and wishes for their fulfillment. But he is serious about only a few dreams and tries to fulfill them. God and the universe prepare to fulfill every dream of man. But sometimes, due to failure and sometimes due to lack of determination, a person stops trying at the moment when his dreams are about to be fulfilled. His same unfulfilled dreams are kept here in the form of replicas. Your dreams are also kept here in the form of replicas. If you had not given up till the end, you would have achieved it in your life.”

The boy understood the mistake he had made in his lifetime. But after death he could not do anything.

Friends, before working towards fulfilling any dream, make a firm determination that no matter how many difficulties may arise? No matter how many times you have to face failure? You will continue to strive towards fulfilling your dreams until they come true. Otherwise, after time passes, you will be left with the regret that I wish I had made a little more effort. Don't let your dreams remain unfulfilled, take your breath only after converting them into reality with determination and tireless efforts.

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