What happens when we listen to a song we love?

5 Dec 2022

What an interesting topic right?
Writing this, I am listening to Chemicals by Dean lewis. I have always loved that song right from the first day I heard it on youtube and in this moment, I feel like I should have been in the music studio to record the song with Dean Lewis. I think the following things happens when we listen to a song we love. 

  1. Our nerves calm and we relax
  2. Our moods brighten and become happier
  3. A memory may be triggered
  4. We may go into fantasia (happens to me when I listen to Kaleo or Kodaline)
  5. Our emotions will be triggered almost all the time.
  6. We may become motivated or demoralised 

Generally, a lot of psychological things that we do not know of may be happening in the brain when we listen to a song we love which is why we behave the way we behave whilst listening to it. 
Lastly, I may be wrong about everything but I am sure I am correct about one thing, and that is it will help you relax.

Listen to a song you love today

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