Earn Big with AI: Discover How MASSIVE Turns Your Data into Dollars

12 May 2024

Boost Your Earnings with Our Referral Program
Maximize your earning potential from the get-go with our lucrative referral program at MASSIVE. Ready to join? Simply sign up here and use the referral code i4WTzE23HM upon signup and verifying your email, to unlock enhanced rewards. Here's how the referral program works:

Role        | Referral Code | Invitation Cap | Your Reputation    | Tax Sharing
Referrer    | Tier 1 Code   | 300            | -                  | 10.0%
            | Tier 2 Code   | 50             | 1000 - 750         | 8.0%
            |               |                | 750 - 500          | 6.0%
            |               |                | 500 - 250          | 4.0%
            |               |                | 250 -              | 0.0%
            | Default Code  | 10             | 1000 - 750         | 6.0%
            |               |                | 750 - 500          | 4.0%
            |               |                | 500 - 250          | 2.0%
            |               |                | 250 -              | 0.0%
Referee     | All Codes     | -              | 1000 - 750         | 10.0%
            |               |                | 750 - 500          | 7.0%
            |               |                | 500 - 250          | 4.0%
            |               |                | 250 -              | 0.0%

MASSIVE Pilot Service Introduction
Ahead of the full-scale service launch, MASSIVE introduces a Pilot Service accessible both on web and mobile web at https://pilot.massiveai.io. During this pilot phase, participants have the unique opportunity to upload media content (such as images, audio, and videos), provide labels for the data, and review submissions to earn $MSVC tokens. These activities are structured around specific quests, each defined by distinct data collection criteria and a $MSVC reward pool, set by MASSIVE's repository and select data buyers.
Pilot Service - Early User Benefits
During the Pilot Service, MASSIVE offers several incentives to early adopters:

  • Daily CS2E Pool: A daily allocation of 200,000 $MSVC, with rewards capped at 200 per image, 300 per audio, and 500 per video, plus 100 per label and 20 per review.
  • Referral Rewards: 100 $MSVC for both the referrer and the referee.
  • Leaderboard Campaign: Rewards ranging from 1,000 $USDC and a $MSVC Bonus Prize Pool for the most active users.
  • Tax Sharing Boost: Enhanced transaction tax sharing rewards during the pilot phase.

All $MSVC tokens earned during the pilot will be converted to $MSV tokens on a 1:1 ratio at the Token Generation Event (TGE) and the launch of the Beta service. Any undistributed $MSVC from the reward pool will be permanently removed or "burned".
Introduction to MASSIVE
Welcome to MASSIVE, where the future of AI and crowd-sourced data collides in a dynamic, rewarding ecosystem. Here, anyone with internet access can contribute to a vast AI training dataset marketplace by uploading images, videos, and audio files, labeling data, and reviewing submissions. Your everyday data transforms into valuable AI training sets, and you get rewarded with $MSV tokens for your contributions.
Empower Your Data with MASSIVE
Imagine your everyday activities powering the next generation of AI technologies. At MASSIVE, your uploads and data labeling directly contribute to building the world's most expansive and accessible AI data library. This isn't just participation; it's about driving the next wave of AI innovation and getting compensated for your invaluable input.
Earn and Grow with MASSIVE's Ecosystem
By contributing to MASSIVE, you become part of a broader mission to evolve AI technologies through collective intelligence. Your contributions help shape the future of technology, offering not only monetary rewards but also the satisfaction of being at the forefront of technological advancement.
Guidelines and Best Practices
As a contributor to MASSIVE, it's essential to adhere to best practices and guidelines ensuring responsible participation. Our platform encourages uploads that respect intellectual property rights and personal privacy, maintaining a safe and productive environment for all users.
Step into the future of AI with MASSIVE by harnessing the power of your data. Remember, using the referral code i4WTzE23HM when you sign up and verify your email will maximize your benefits right from the start. Join MASSIVE today; your data doesn’t just exist—it works for you, creating pathways to new earnings and opportunities.

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