
2 Feb 2024


About Us

Welcome to Ecosapiens. We are releasing a carbon-backed digital collectible that directly finances carbon sequestration projects on February 22nd, 2023. We’re a venture capital-backed company with leading investors in the crypto, climate, and consumer sectors with the ultimate goal of making it easy, financially attractive, and culturally rewarding for anyone to make a positive impact on the planet.
We believe that small actions can add up to make a big difference, and our goal is to drive wide scale private climate action through accessible and consumer-friendly solutions. In the future, we hope to expand our offerings to include a suite of products that will help eco-conscious consumers thrive. We understand that most people may not be able to make major lifestyle changes in order to be more environmentally friendly, and we believe that our products can provide a simple and effective way for anyone to make a positive impact.
Our first product, a carbon-backed digital collectible, is the first expression of our thesis and mission: when you mint an Ecosapien, you become one, and in the process you offset a full year’s worth of carbon in an easy and elegant way, showcasing your impact through unique art. At the same time, you’re joining the #1 Web3 climate community and taking your first step towards becoming a fully eco-conscious citizen

backed Digital Collectible

Our first product is the Ecosapien: a digital collectible backed by 16 metric tons of tokenized CO2. This is equivalent to offsetting a year's worth of the average American's carbon output. By purchasing one of these collectibles, you are not only expressing your commitment to climate action, but also directly contributing to carbon reduction efforts.
Since pre-industrial times, the planet has warmed by 1.1°C. The UN projects that anything above 1.5°C will produce dire consequences such as extreme natural disasters, food shortages, and species extinction. Reducing carbon in the atmosphere is a way to directly slow and reverse the change. Thus, our digital collectibles provide a unique way for individuals to make a tangible impact on the environment, from the deepest tree roots and ocean trenches to the highest cloud forests and mountaintops, all in 1-click.

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