The most common misconception about the spiritual path that I have encountered is that the spiritual way of life is the easy way of living. . Too often individuals catch only a glimpse of what living spiritually is really like. While they are searching for their own answers to life’s questions or trying to find help with an issue they are dealing with personally, they come across others who are also on their own journey. They see people who look at the world in a different light, who embrace life’s lessons and are grateful for every experience they receive. They are at peace with themselves and others, always with a smile on their face while spreading happiness and joy to everything they encounter through the divine loving light shining forth from within them. Once they take notice of this, they also desire to have this way of life. Seeing these attributes and others can give a false idea of an easier life on the spiritual journey. This could not be further from the truth. The path of the spiritual seeker is one of the hardest anyone will ever experience. It is the road less traveled and that is because of the difficulties and lessons that one experiences, each of us learn from these experiences in our own personal way. What follows are just a few of the ways that this path can seem so difficult.
Judgment from Friends, Family, and Others
We all start to develop a deeper understanding of life and ourselves. Our once long-held structures of believes will crack, shatter, and reform as we find our own truth one that resonates with our inner being. This brings relief and joy deep inside our souls. It also brings fear and confusion to the ones we care about; others will not understand the change that is taking place inside of us. Since they do not understand, it causes them to fear and ultimately judge. Fear of the Unknown is one of the most powerful for many people, especially when their own belief systems are so hardwired. This is very difficult to cope with at first but remember your path is not their path. People always are afraid of what they cannot explain, continue your journey leaving love and compassion wherever you go and soon they will understand. Trust me it will be beautiful.
You Become More Aware of the Darker Aspects of Life
Love and compassion are inseparable from spiritual path. They act as the binding agents that hold the universal truths together. Despite the abundance of love that emanates from your heart, the darker aspects of life do not dissipate. Indeed, they may become even more prominent both in the world and within yourself. Without proper preparation and understanding, this can be disheartening and demoralizing. The awareness and gifts you receive may seem like a curse at times. Intuition and Empathy could show you that those you care so much about just don't seem to care in the same way. It's Almost as if they have forgotten and don't remember. You may find yourself constantly filled with an overwhelming desire to make a positive impact on the world and on others. But how can you, as an individual, bring about change on a global scale? The answer is simple: by embodying the change you wish to see and continuously expanding your consciousness while radiating love into the collective consciousness. At times, it may be difficult to recognize the impact you are making, but others will perceive the transformation within you and be inspired to seek their own answers. This is where our respective journeys begin. It's crucial to remember that you are not alone on this path, and every day you continue along it, the collective consciousness of humanity is elevated. Can there be a greater change for the world than this?
Our Ego Will Cast Doubts on Our Mind To Discourage
The mind and our thoughts have a significant influence on us and the experiences we learn lessons through. As you continue on your journey, it is not only the doubt and judgment from others that will affect you. Our own egos can cause even more suffering and pain if not addressed properly. Doubts, resentments, and fears can all impede or halt our progress if not dealt with effectively. We have all experienced thoughts that are so dreadful that we question our true nature. However, we must remember that our thoughts and the projections of the ego do not define who we truly are. The Ego is not your Amigo my brothers and sisters. Following the mind blindly can have disastrous effects on our lives. It is crucial to be aware of our thoughts and separate ourselves from them. When we can step back and observe our thoughts, we recognize that we are not the same as our egos. By being aware of the ego, we can begin to retrain it to align with our true, loving, and divine spirit. By training our thoughts, we can change how we feel. And changing how we feel is what truly transforms our lives.
As we conclude, it becomes apparent that the spiritual path is not an easy one. It is a sacred journey navigated through trials and tribulations, testing the mettle of even the bravest. It is not a path of escape but a path of encounter. It is the pathway to truth, the pathway to self. Yet, despite all its challenges and difficulties, people still embark on this path. Why, may you ask? Because while it may not be the easiest path, it is indeed the most rewarding. At the end of this profound journey, you meet the most important person in your life—Yourself.
"And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?" - Rumi
On this journey, the challenges become our teachers, the discomfort becomes our growth, and every stumbling block becomes a steppingstone. For those brave enough to embark on it, to stay committed to it, the spiritual path is indeed not the easy path; it is the path of the warrior, the lover, the seeker—in essence, the path of the quintessential human spirit.
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