Hard to find sleep

30 May 2023

A good night's sleep has proven elusive.
As I look up at the ceiling, I realize that its absence is not beneficial to my general welfare.

Compounding niggling aches and pains
to keep my sound slumber from occurring.
I roll around from side to side, but I've tried them all.

I am, by all accounts, very spherical, but I've discovered that when it comes to sleeping, I wish I were more octagon-shaped, with eight sides on which to revolve.

Although it tempts me to lay flat on my back, I quickly realize that I must roll onto my side in order to avoid the snores that, according to legend, will awaken the dead.

Finally, I settle into a rhythm, then lament the fact that I have to move.
The switch is not working on this side, but the electric blanket is growing hot.

I'll have the urge to urinate if comfort comes too late.
Once the tickle is felt, it quickly starts to demand to be relieved.

I do my hardest to ignore it, but I know I have to leave before this slight sense of urgency develops into a true emergency.

With only a nanosecond left, I quickly use the restroom and park it there.
Think about how such a large amount may collect while you relax.

Back in bed, the search for my inner zen begins once more.
I need to stop my mind from racing, and I need to find the perfect pozzy.

My eyes finally begin to droop.
I don't need to defecate or urinate.
The heat rising from my feet then fills me with fear.

Oh no, a hot flush is beginning.
The cold is now making me wish for it!
Sheet and quilt are thrown aside; must endure until it passes.

I know I've failed yet again.
Will not awaken a happy and cheerful person.
I won't have any zest or pep.
I'm not one to get up and shine.

I can't believe this is where we are.
I've made every effort to resist.
I need to embra
ce the nanna sleep in order to feel better!

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