BULB Token to USD Chart
$BULB is the utility token that enables all BULB platform transactions. With a fixed supply of 1,000,000,000 tokens, the token is built on the Solana blockchain. Tokens will be distributed equally among BULB and its users.
$BULB Price is calculated based on the latest SOL-USD price multiplied by 0.0005 SOL, which refers to SOL per $BULB. This is based on the estimated token sale price, which is subject to change. For information purposes only.
Market Capitalisation of $BULB is calculated based on the latest $BULB price multiplied by the circulating supply of $BULB, which is currently at 775,000,012. Diluted Market Capitalisation of $BULB is calculated based on the latest $BULB price multiplied by the maximum supply, which is fixed at 1,000,000,000 BULB Tokens. For information purposes only.
$BULB is not currently listed on any decentralised or centralised exchanges.
All information contained in this section does not constitute financial advice in any way whatsoever and is provided for illustrative purposes only. Nothing published in this section expressly or impliedly indicates the liquidity, tradability and other relevant matters of BULB Tokens, nor does it constitute a promise, representation or conduct of similar intentions in any way whatsoever. Nothing published in this section constitutes an investment or purchase recommendation, nor should any data or content contained in this section be relied upon for any investment or purchase activities. We strongly recommend that you perform your own independent research and/or speak with a qualified professional before making any financial or purchase decisions.