WritersWithoutWalls White Paper, Website, Guest Writer and more

9 Feb 2024

Newsication #011

Welcome, writer fam, to Newsication #011. In this issue, we'll discuss the guest writer for each issue. JD also released the white paper for public viewing for the first time and revealed the website is nearing completion. Let's dive in and see what else we have for you today.
The guest writer position in our Newsicaton is offered by way of a random number drawn from those who have subscribed to our Newsication issues across the various platforms. Medium, Substack, Paragraph or Zirkels. An email will be sent to the random draw winner with a form for the required information. It can be an article, story excerpt, a poem. Can be one one you wrote last month, last year or last decade. Or a brand new piece. We don't mind. Our only caveat is that it doesn't promote hate or violence. If we don't have a response within 48 hours, we will draw a new subscriber. So make sure you subscribe on your favourite platform we are publishing on.
Our website is nearing completion. You can access it here writerswithoutwalls.com. Open to suggestions, etc.
We are also on MediumSubstack, Paragraph and Zirkels. Whatever platform you read this on, if you have a question, a suggestion, or some feedback. Please do reach out. Or in the WritersWithoutWalls communities below. Remember to subscribe to our Newsication to be on the list for our guest writer spot.

Your Communities

Here are your two communities for Writers Without Walls. We’ve crafted these spaces with you in mind, each serving a unique purpose.
Writers Without Walls on Entre — Our Entre community is a hybrid setup that bridges the familiar Web2 and the emerging Web3. It’s a haven for all writers, regardless of their interest or experience in Web3. You can learn about the new digital frontier at your own pace, guided by experienced Web3 writers. We don’t like the sometimes confusing jargon or the ‘bro’ mentality, focusing instead on providing clear, accessible information. Whether you’re curious about protecting your identity, securing your finances, or safeguarding your tech, Entre is your safe place to explore.
Writer Without Walls on Common Ground — On the other hand, our CommonGround community is more Web3-focused. While it won’t be exclusively about Web3, it will have a strong Web3 orientation, which may be overwhelming for some. But it is a space where you can dive deeper, explore further, and immerse yourself in the Web3 realm.
These are new communities that we are nurturing, and you, the writers within, will shape them. Your participation, your voice, and your unique perspective will help mould these spaces into vibrant, inclusive, and diverse communities. So, whether you’re dipping your toes or ready to dive in, we’ve got a community for you. Let’s continue to write without walls, but not without rules.

From Andrew's Desk.

“Making” Time for Things You Want to Do

It’s like time travel while riding a unicorn

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

The problem with trying to make time for everything that feels important — or just for enough of what feels important — is that you definitely never will. The reason isn’t that you haven’t yet discovered the right time management tricks or supplied sufficient effort, or that you need to start getting up earlier, or that you’re generally useless. It’s that the underlying assumption is unwarranted: there’s no reason to believe you’ll ever feel ‘on top of things,’ or make time for everything that matters, simply by getting more done.
― Oliver Burkeman, Four Thousand Weeks

When I first read Oliver Burkeman’s book Four Thousand Weeks, I was surprised at how much of what he was saying actually clicked for me, even though I had never thought of time in this way. It was as though I always knew it to be this way, yet had never had it articulated in this manner.

You can read the full article here.

From David's Desk
In Running, Seconds Matter

a brief reflection on my first marathon ever

Hey everyone, it’s been a while since I’ve given an update.
Last we talked I was giving updates on my training leading up to the Outer Banks Marathon.
That was back in November, so I apologize for that.
My main excuse is that apparently training for a marathon takes a lot of time. And when it came down to cutting out writing, work, or family time to make room for training, the decision was pretty obvious and writing took a backseat.
But I do love writing and want to continue writing about running and training, so here we go!
You can read the full article here.  

From JD's Desk

How Writers Without Walls Started

Plus, the whitepaper draft.

We really have to go back to 2015, when I died. I was hit by a truck while on my motorbike. Long story short, I had multiple injuries, but the killer was a shredded descending aorta. You can read the full story here.
It was after getting out of hospital (2 months) and a few months later, when I went for a heart check, that I found out I had died. This news made me sit back and reflect on a few things. The only real regret that I would have had at that time, if I had died, was not publishing my book of short stories. Do You Dare?

I had written them between twenty and thirty years ago. I got them edited and the cover art sorted. I published it on Amazon in February 2018. Joined Twitter to create a social media presence. I’m not a salesperson, like most writers, we just want to write. Like most writers, we have jobs, families, etc.
You can read the full article here.  

This issue’s guest writer is — We don't have one. So, JD is sharing this piece.

Next issues guest writer invitation goes out to - BK Power. Watch out for an email soon.

The Void Stares Back

We all fall.
We all fail.
We all want to give up at times when the night is darkest.
But you are not alone.
Every day, people go through very similar challenges.
Yet we feel so alone when we are in its depths.
We stare into the void.
The void stares back.
Find your people.
You can read the full article here.  

Our Sponsors Are — Zirkles.com

For mere cents per day, you could sponsor Writers Without Walls here — and then click the sponsor button. Get your project or work listed here.

This Issues Top Sponsor

Zirkels is a next-generation ad-free blogging platform that pays you real money every day, thanks to the power of the DeSo blockchain. Be sure to visit Zirkels today.

5 Reasons Why You Should Move Your Blog to Zirkels

Benefits to blogging, podcasting or creating videos on Zirkels.

Tony chats about this -> Watch it here. Watch out for the Demogorgon!
Or, if you prefer, you can read the article by Dennis. Click here .

Back Issues

What is Writers Without Walls?
#001 — With Guest Writer Meiko S. Patton
#002 — With Guest Writer CD Damitio
#003 — With Guest Writer Phillip Matheson
#004 — With Guest Writer Bryan M. Powell
#005 — With Guest Writer Randhir Hebbar
#006—With Guest Writer Kit Campoy
#007—With Guest Writer Greg Younger
#008—With Guest Writer Tom Leveen
#009 - With Guest Writer ChatGPT

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