The 20 Most Nutritious Plant Foods

12 Jan 2024

After examining 1,000 types of raw nutrients, researchers ranked the most important nutrients the body needs.

20. Long Stem Broccoli

22 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 62
It is different from the broccoli we know. This vegetable, which has longer stems and smaller flowers, is a cruciferous vegetable.

19. Hot Pepper

324 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 62

Hot pepper, the fruit of the Capsicum plant, is rich in capsaicinoids, carotenoids, ascorbic acid and antioxidants.

18. Kale

32 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 63

A type of cabbage without a tuber in the middle.

17. Basil / basil

23 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 63

It is known as a plant effective in protecting the heart. It is thought to be effective against fungi and bacteria.

16. Chili Peppers

282 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 63

It is rich in vitamins A, C, E, phenolic compounds and carotenoids.

15. Frozen Spinach

29 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 64

Rich in magnesium, folate, vitamin A and carotenoids, frozen spinach is more nutritious than fresh.

14. Dandelion Leaves

45 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 64

Dandelion leaves are rich in vitamins A and C and calcium.

13. Pink Grapefruit

42 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 64

In pink grapefruit, its slices acquire a reddish color due to the accumulation of carotenoid and lycopene pigments.

12. Red Cabbage

31 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 65

It is estimated that the wild relatives of this plant, rich in vitamins, are a plant that grows by the sea in Europe or the Mediterranean.

11. Green Onion

27 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 65

Rich in copper, phosphorus and magnesium, green onions are also a good source of vitamin K.

10. Peas

77 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 67

Peas contain large amounts of phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and fiber.

9. Tangerine

53 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 67

This citrus fruit with a high sugar content is rich in carotenoids and vitamin A.

8. Watercress

11 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 68

This plant, which grows along flowing waterways, is used to eliminate mineral deficiency.

7. Dried celery

319 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 68

Celery, dried and turned into leaves, is used as flavoring. It is an important source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

6. Dried Parsley

292 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 69

Parsley, which is dried and ground to be used as a spice, is important for bone and dental health as it is rich in boron, fluoride and calcium.

5. Beetroot Leaves

22 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 70

It is the leaf of the sugar beet plant. It is an important plant in terms of calcium, iron, vitamin K and B group vitamins (especially riboflavin).

4. Biceps

19 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 78

Since it is rich in substances that give vegetables their bright colors, the antioxidant content of chard is also high.

3. Pumpkin Seeds

559 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 84

It is one of the most important plant-derived sources of iron and manganese.

2. Chia Seeds

486 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 85

These tiny black seeds are rich in fiber and also contain protein, linolenic acid, phenolic acid and various vitamins.

1. Almond

579 calories (100 g) Nutrition score: 97

Almonds, which are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, are known to be good for cardiovascular health and diabetes.

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