Young People’s Changing Attitude About Pastime

22 Oct 2024

Good Morning Bulb Family!

Greetings, everyone!


A few hours ago, I was in a shop watching a little boy playing on a smartphone for at least half an hour while his parents were busy shopping for winter clothes. During that time, the parents didn’t notice that their son was playing on their phone. When they finally did, they got angry and started scolding him harshly. The shop owner stepped in to protect the boy and asked them not to be so harsh.

I stood there, observing the entire situation. I didn’t react much because nowadays it’s common to see young kids finding their fun and comfort in smartphones. But are they missing out on their childhood? It feels like those beautiful, carefree days are slipping away. The way young people are spending their time has definitely changed, and it raises questions. Ever think about it? I’ll discuss this more, but first, let me welcome you all.

Note: This article is also published on my account.

Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.

Losing friends as you grow up is a sign of Growing up

Hello, family. I'm here, wishing you all good luck. I know you’re enjoying your moments, and I’m truly grateful you visited me. Today, I want to talk about the next generation’s way of spending their time. How many of you are '90s kids? Raise your hands so I can count them. Wow, quite a few of you! Now, think back to our childhood—how did we spend our free time? Personally, I spent hours playing outside, and apart from study or sleep, that’s where you’d always find me. I know many of you were the same. Our joy came from simple things. Technology hadn’t taken over, and we had a truly wonderful and carefree childhood. I’m feeling nostalgic just thinking about it. But now, we need to focus on the kids of today.

Ups & Downs: A Reality Check

Surveys show that today’s generation has completely changed how they spend their free time. Teenagers now watch more television than any previous generation, and they’re fully immersed in gadgets. Back in 1990, around 41% of us watched TV. By 2000, that increased to 48%, and it hit 52% in the following decade. That’s a drastic change! The real shock is yet to come. Would you believe that outdoor play among teenagers has now dropped to just 12%? Alarming, right? They’re more comfortable playing games on smartphones and tablets.

What’s Driving This Change?

It’s not hard to figure out why this is happening. Just look around. The rise of multimedia is the answer. Television shows, talent contests, and a variety of grand productions are captivating teenagers. Indoor entertainment is now their world.

But there’s more to it than just technology. Have you noticed how urbanization is swallowing up our open spaces? There are fewer and fewer playgrounds, which forces kids to stay inside. As a result, they’re playing virtual football instead of real football. Video games on computers and smartphones also play a huge role. With stunning graphics, immersive sound effects, and addictive gameplay, it’s easy for anyone to get hooked. But this new kind of childhood is taking a toll. Eye strain, back pain, headaches, and general weakness are becoming common, leaving families worried about their children’s future.

We had our time, and now they’re having theirs. But the difference is, we lived a more active and authentic childhood, while they’re wrapped in virtual realities. So, what can we do? Do we let them continue down this path, or is there something we can change?

Ending Thoughts

Until we meet again, stay curious, stay connected, and above all, stay true to yourself.
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