Annadan importants
‘Annadhanam’, has its origins in ancient times. Old age detached themselves from the society and spend their remaining lives in temples. Likewise, people with disabilities, people with sickness and basically anyone who couldn’t contribute to the society rested in temples. Since they couldn’t contribute to the society, they have no means to eat. The purpose of ‘Annadhanam’ is to provide food for those who couldn’t eat. ‘Annadhanam’ is the first known welfare system.
But people won’t be altruistic and ready to donate. So this was embodied with religious practices. It was said that wealthy individuals have to serve ‘Annadhanam’, on happy occasions as a way to thank God and to seek forgiveness from God, so that their sins are washed away. And And also temple will serve ‘Annadhanam’ in the excess amount of money they get from people’s offerings to God.
Who must benefit? Those who couldn’t eat. Thank you!