My History With Social Media, Crypto & The Monetization Of Content

1 Oct 2024

The social media platform X, once known as Twitter, is where I began my journey of monetizing content back in 2008/2009. Yes, even though I only entered the Crypto world a decade ago, I was present and watchful during its formative stages. However, like many others I dismissed it. I almost started receiving payments in DOGE when it launched. However, once again, the almighty dollar was somehow more attractive.
As time passed, my knowledge and understanding of Crypto changed my outlook. Anyway, let’s go back to the matter at hand. I began utilizing a service known as Sponsored Tweets during this period. Sponsored Tweets, at that time, enabled Twitter account holders to monetize their tweets. The company is still in existence. However, their model and services have changed dramatically since then.
This was the birthing of monetization for the average Joe. The idea was revolutionary and I was immediately hooked. Earning a couple of dollars for a handful of tweets was a big thing back then. Of course, I was alone in my quest. Friends and family were completely clueless. Similarly, as when I dived into Crypto a decade ago. I built up my account along with a few alternative business accounts.
A Bitter Twist
I managed to build my primary account to 11K followers. However, due to an event in 2017, I abandoned Twitter. The decision was made for me. At this time much of my content on Twitter was dedicated to Crypto and ICOs. This was also when Facebook and others began banning ICO-related ads and content. One day I opened my Twitter account and it was suspended, with zero clarity as to why.
My Twitter account of 11K followers was decimated overnight and rendered useless. It was at this point that I realized the importance of decentralized networks. I was already on Steemit and decided it was time for an adjustment. However, a strong demand for my time followed for the next few years and I couldn’t dedicate time to Steemit. I did however return in 2020 when the Steemit fork birthed Hive.
I returned in 2020 with the handle sapphirecrypto. I had operated under various handles previously. However, it was a new chapter and I decided a fresh start was best. I have been actively blogging and creating content for 5 years across multiple platforms. Before 2019, my participation in the Creator Economy was staggered and more casual than today.
Since Elon acquired Twitter I have wondered whether I should take X more seriously. I have been using an old account (@omss101) I created in 2010 as my current Sapphire Crypto account. Recently, I have been posting more frequently on X. The monetization model has me interested. I have been trying a few ideas to test engagement and managed to attain some impressive results, especially for a largely dormant account.

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A recent tweet posted on the 26th of September managed to garner 700 impressions, 45 likes, and 14 retweets. I am toying with the idea of the ad revenue model. However, I first need to see if I will qualify, as engagement levels are fairly high. I am still testing and evaluating this idea. It would be great to gain an additional income stream from the platform where my journey was birthed.
WEB3 Remains The Focus
Even if I return to X in a more meaningful way, WEB3 remains my core focus. Another reason I had to reboot my X account was gaining access to the Arena! It is still the only onboarding channel for an Arena account. Just as decisions were made for me to leave Twitter, they seem to be drawing me back to X. So, if you are on X, give me a follow. I would appreciate the support.
Regular readers will understand why I have been so vocal on SocialFi and WEB3 in recent posts. It’s not a new concept for me. I have been involved in these ideas and models for decades. I have more years of experience in this field than some newcomers have been alive. Twitter was foundational in my journey, a return to X with incentivization would be a welcome development.
WEB3 and tokenized models are the future. However, the value associated with and incorporated into these ecosystems is still growing and developing. It will take a while before significant rewards can be extracted from these models and ecosystems. However, a spike in earnings is expected in the final quarter of 2024 and 2025. The severity of a future bear market still needs to be realized.

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Final Thoughts
This is a summarized version of my history in this particular field. I thought it pertinent, considering I am making X a part of my arsenal again. This time, with the possibility of monetization in place. Another important aspect of the X model is only views from verified accounts are counted regarding monetization. Another step in the journey… we will see what becomes of it. All the best! Catch you next time!

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First of all, I am not a financial advisor. All information provided on this website is strictly my own opinion and not financial advice. I do make use of affiliate links. Purchasing or interacting with any third-party company could result in me receiving a commission. In some instances, utilizing an affiliate link can also result in a bonus or discount.
This article was first published on Sapphire Crypto.

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