😌💡5-Minute Stress Relief Strategies

15 Jan 2024

We all share a common problem: Stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed. It's undeniable that life is exhausting, and people often struggle to breathe easily in this hectic pace. Work, children's issues, traffic, bills, relationships—the list of problems goes on. It's a sad situation to spend a lifetime earning money, only to use it all trying to regain lost health when it's time to enjoy it. Since it's not possible to escape on a vacation every month to relieve stress and break away from this busy life, what can we do to relax? Is relaxation even possible amidst such a busy life?

Methods to Relieve Stress

In our daily lives, creating a space to breathe through small actions is possible. What can we do for this?

1. Shut Down:

Yes, you heard right, shut down. Turn off your phone, TV, computer, tablet; all electronic devices. Let go of your tasks for just 5 minutes. Let emails wait. Be unreachable. Distance yourself from anything that distracts you and immerse yourself in silence. Open a window, watch the outside. Without thinking of anything, just observe people aimlessly. If 5 minutes isn't enough, continue rowing in the silent waters for another 5 minutes. You'll see, stress will decrease without you even realizing.

2. Inhale - Exhale

Life equals breath. When was the last time you truly enjoyed breathing? When did you last notice your own breath? Lean back in your chair or couch and just breathe. Up until the ages of 2-3, we breathe healthily, then we forget the right way to breathe. When was the last time you drew air deep into your lungs? Or have you recently been breathing automatically, never bringing your breath down from your chest? Breathe in and out for 5 minutes without thinking about anything else.

3. Talk to Yourself

Whether silently or aloud, talk to yourself. Afraid of being called crazy? Never mind that. How has being sensible helped you so far? Sometimes, people are beings who should be ignored and not taken seriously. Block out others, and converse with yourself. How long has it been since you've had a heart-to-heart with yourself? You'll see, a 5-minute chat will do you good.

4. Maestro, Music Please

Maestro, will you play for me today? Something light, perhaps? Anything classical? Something slow, to keep my body here but let my soul wander to the nearest mountaintop. Play something from Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi, Schubert. Are you feeling too tense and tired? Let yourself be carried away by the magical world of music. We know now that calm music effectively reduces stress.

5. Boil Water

Did your brain break down like a machine and boil water? Is your mind's settings messed up? Ä°nto boiling water throw in your herbal tea; while the tea brews on one side, let your soul brew on the other. Linden, sage, green tea, rosehip. Choose a cup of tea to your taste and take a 5-minute break from life.

6. Hello, Dear Couch

How about combining the first five points on a couch, under a blanket? On your dear couch, you could sail into the ocean of silence, start a breathing therapy, have a long chat with yourself, listen to Vivaldi. Or start sipping your herbal tea. You might even try a combination of these. Music and herbal tea might go well together. A book wouldn't be bad either alongside your tea. Bid farewell to all your stress and tension with the steam of the tea. Bury them in the pages of the book, in the notes of the music.

Do whatever makes you happier. You are what matters. What matters is your happiness. If you are good, those who love you will be good too. If you are bad, you are of no use to anyone. Hang it on the nearest wall of your mind and keep it there forever.

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