Fighting pride

21 Mar 2023

Have you ever had an ego battle?
It's pretty difficult to defeat.

It lacks a face, a head, a heart, and neither hands nor feet.
It is invisible to the human eye.
Regardless of how long you gaze

And even though you cannot touch it, it will nonetheless make itself known.
Egos engage in vicious combat.
Egos don't give a damn.

It will stomp, kick, and bite you, but it is invisible, so take caution!
Egos are quite ugly even if it lacks a face
It haunts you from its own time and space, breathing life into you.

This, my friends, is what is formed of flesh and blood and bone, and the only way to defeat it is to flee from its terrible home.

Turn aside and leave the room.
Don't sing the tune; it's awful.
It will require all of your strength before it truly vanishes.

The only way to get rid of it is to open your mouth, take a deep breath, and forcefully exclaim, "Good-bye!"

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