It’s Crypto Market Observation Time
It's red candle time again. Crypto coins in my target neither moving forward nor moving backward which means price pump and dump range is very small. These coins need to be observe with the time before taking next trading move. Bitcoin maintaining a price range of $60k-$70k from last week as I'm observing the boss coin though I've no investment on it as I can't afford buying big coins in the market.This is not the right time for crypto trading so I better call this observation time and this is personal. This is temporary too because market move will help me deciding my next crypto trading move. It's not going to be a break time so I better keep observing the movements of my favorite listed crypto coins. Maybe I'm not a big investor but my learning and observation can help me making profit from my investment or trading and already I experienced the awesomeness of trading
Sharing my crypto trading experience to motivate newbies in this field who may look for motivation but do not follow my guidelines of trading please because I'm not an expert in this field and I'm still learning and I may never consider myself as an expert because I believe my learning will be continuous and it will never end. Waiting for my next trading move and keep continue checking crypto market in my crypto wallet. Sometimes having a pause is necessary to think and take a good decision that may help continuing trading
Right now crypto market is showing red candle and Solana(SOL) which was performing green for last few weeks showing red candle too. There are many investors would love this market situation because they were preparing for buying but market looks like keep showing red candle not for long time but It's my personal prediction and I don't recommend this to take it as financial advice. Price of each coin may follow the lead of bitcoin so better I keep my eyes open to observe bitcoin move.
Observation is better than investing like a blind. Profit and loss will depend on our decision and holding capacity of crypto and patience both. I never discourage on buying crypto because this is always good time for buy when you are planning to hold for long time but a short time crypto holder may need to wait for red candle in the market and price dump of desired coin, this way an investor can make profit in a short term investment. This is also personal observation and many of you already observed these things if you are in crypto market more than a year.