Muffdiving an Avax Zygocap

26 Feb 2024

As web3 allows itself to be usurped by the powers that be in the name of cUmPlYuNcE, 1000X opportunities will fade. Eventually, you'll need to KYC with a government-issued Founders Pass just to create a new token. 🀣 I plan to be long gone from this space before that happens, and hopefully these blogs get some of you there as well.
Well, here's today's protip that our AVAX zygocap (zygote cap, means mcap of a zygote) will help to visualize: The best money in crypto is made in its dark alleys. These are the stealth launches, the undoxxed founders, the hidden TG groups. Sure there are scammers here. There are scammers in the sunlight, too β€” SBF, Jamie Dimon, Nancy Pelosi, Kevin Rose β€” but at least everybody has a fair shot to be a scammer in the alleyway. Sunlight scammers don't like to share.
Dark alleys are also the best place for an honest guy like me to function because sunlight scammers hate truthful independence even more than other scammers. (I bet SBF gets out of jail before Roman Semenov.)
Dark alleys also make you the best money. Market caps don't get pointlessly inflated, and the functionality of the projects aren't nerfed to comply with pointless regulation. Low starting market cap + high functionality = more Xs.

AvaxTech ($ATECH)

The zygocap in question today is a dark alley project because I haven't been able to find a doxxed team anywhere (which I like. Don't dox, guys.) It came out of nowhere and its mcap > $300K. This is after a recent 6X, so it's mcap for a long time was below $50K. For months. And this is with a working suite of products. Undervalued much?
$ATECH products include AvalancheAnalyzerBot for TG and a web analyzer which functions as an AVAX focused Dextools. Further products are mentioned in the roadmap.
Why do you need a chain-specific Dextools?
Until all are one like Optimus Prime says, chain specific information aggregators are useful for many things including AVAX TG bot sniper APIs. (If you're into zygocaps and memecoins, you're doing yourself a disservice not using TG. Put it this way: All those clowns who are frontrunning your low cap trades are using TG bots.)

The Vetting

AvaxTech Founders are undoxxed save for the admission in project docs that there is a "developer known as Monk, real name Ata" (a super weird parenthetical clause that didn't add anything to the sentence. Like, why half dox one dev and not the other 8?) So I don't know who they are, oooo, so scary. How do you vet a project without this info?
The suite of vetting sites I use:
1️⃣ Github β€” dev history, project activity
2️⃣ Dextools β€” audit, liquidity and activity hub
3️⃣ Bubblemaps β€” insider trading activity, wash trades
4️⃣ Twitter β€” [coinname + "scam"]
5️⃣ AI β€” personal smart contract checkoor
6️⃣ Arkham β€” quality of buyers


You don't need to know a developer's government name to look at his Github history and current project commits. There are many anon devs that have created such a reputation under a pseudonym that they attract investment regardless of doxxing.
AvaxTech did not have a Github for $ATECH because its contract was created by Pinksale, a highly respected and thoroughly tested launchpad. The language of the contract is here. You can skip straight to 5️⃣ if you don't find a Github.


The Dextools UI is full of useful information on anon coins including:

  • is liq locked?
  • have audits been performed?
  • does token have honeypot/blacklist/proxy contract capabilities?
  • has contract been renounced?

Keep in mind scammers are always coming up with new ways to cheat you. For instance, a scammer could renounce a contract and lock liquidity but then whitelist only certain wallets to sell. No single touchpoint here is enough to determine the safety of a token; the vetting should always be holistic in nature.


With an inventive UI, Bubblemaps can easily tell you if a token is being wash traded between a few connected wallets to increase volume and attract suckers.


Simply typing in the coin name and "scam" will bring up individuals and services geared towards sniffing out garbage before it affects you.


I take a look at audits, but audits aren't perfect. I'm having the most fun using new smart contracts as guinea pigs to interact with new AIs/GPTs to see what they can tell me about the potential vulnerabilities and attack vectors in contracts. This technology is improving so fast that everyone will soon have their own Hapi and Certik in the palm of their hands.


I look here for all of the qualitative metrics that separate a scam from a legit project and a legit loser from a legit winner. You can see the quality of buyers here and the wallets they're connected to. You can easily set alerts to watch wallets or tokens, and I'm sure more advanced users could connect a buy/sell bot to automate trades based on activity. I'm still working my way up to that level. But you don't have to be on that level to do wife changing gains in crypto.

How Did $ATECH Do?

πŸ’― $ATECH is not a scam. If it fails, it will do so because of good old fashioned incompetence rather than malice. πŸ˜‚
❗️ The project is seriously undervalued based on its activity and proven utility. Similar projects are in the $30-50M mcap range. The ceiling is $DEXT at $90M mcap currently. Even moving up to the average of its competitors puts $ATECH in the 100X range. That risk-reward ratio is textbook buy.
❀️ As always, this is FA, DDYOR, IYKYK πŸ€ͺ
Hopefully this $ATECH deep dive introduces you to not only this project, but also some of the techniques to navigate the "dark alleys" of crypto. The more of these resources I find and techniques I use, the more competent I become in this new world of digital money and AI we are moving into. I can tell you from experience that gaining competence without permission is the single most liberating characteristic any man can achieve. The world opens its arms to you in ways you can't imagine. I'm not talking spiritual mumbo jumbo, although that really is the best part. I'm talking physical, tangible, financial (and other) benefits. Imagine having the competence of a James Bond without the shackles of owing everything β€” the license to kill, the Batman tech β€” to the British government. This is what I mean.
$ATECH is one of many stealth/alleyway projects you won't find splashed all over Fox Business or hyped on Coinbase. You can make millions from projects that don't even get a Coingecko ranking. Become competent so you are unafraid of crypto's alleyways, and you'll see they aren't really that dark at all.

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