President for a day.

22 Aug 2024

Disciplined , mannered , visionary life is guarantee for a successful career. Punchuality , Positivity and passionately are pillars in it . Executive person in any institute is responsible for all the business which look after to the institute through its team.

A blissful article I read yesterday if I were a president to fight poverty written by @Jawad Khan . I deeply impressed by the vision and mindset of a common man who is willing to fight to poverty with solid ideas.

That article gives an option to me that become a chief executive / president / of the country for the day. Although it was a single day ride but still I accepted it as challenge. My day as executive of the country starts very early.

My morning starts with my walk routine and after having breakfast I was in my office. I took oath as chief executive early morning in a simple ceremony and crowned . The first Ever meeting scheduled with representatives of chamber of commerce and industry. It took more then two hours and I ordered to the team to make sure about the prices of commodities.

Then at 9.30 am the honourable foreign minister of Nigeria , Yusuf Tuggar, calls my office who is on official tour to my country. We discussed our bilateral relations especially trade and investment.

At 10.30 am I was in meeting with high officials of SBP along with board of governors. The first task I put to them is legalise the Digital currency and Crypto. Chairman SBP ( State Bank of Pakistan) ensure me that within a week this will be in legal channel.

12.00 pm I attended a seminar about central Asia Pacific region climate change. I addressed through video link to the Audience and put my vision of clean and healthy earth planet.

2.00 pm I enjoyed a luxury lunch in buffet along with executive office. My team of ministers , officials were there too. After lunch a fantastic tea has been served to me. I was thinking that why our politicians always fought for the seats. The luxurious lifestyle and free dining on expenditures of govt. Security protocol is biggest attraction to them.

I called prime minister and his cabinet meeting at 4.00pm in main conference hall. Asked from them about their portfolio,s updates. Orders on Spot where they need permission to do.

I got telephonic conversation with Mr.Putin of Russia who was looking our support in UN security council on voting at Ukraine war resolution. I put condition to him and request to stop the war . He accepted my request and honour me on my stand.

6.00 pm sectariat time , check the cyfers from ambassadors , governors . Signed the summaries of different projects for final approval.

7.00 pm meeting scheduled with honour able president of Philippines Bongbong Marcos , who is on his first international official tour after taking seat in recent elections. He is a gentleman and good communicator. We discuss how and where we can increase your bilateral relations. He was keen in military collaboration and training.

9.00 pm I took dinner in executive house , met with staff , decrown myself , hand over the charge and left out the office. Here ends my journey as executive for a day to my country.
If you were thinking that prime minister / president / chief executive for a day to his country can bring revolution as seen in movies then may you are dreaming. It is never possible to clean the dust of whole room with one vacuum, dust of years and decades .

It required a full fledged revolution from people of the country for such drastic changes. No other can do if we don't want it. Even Almighty God not change the condition of nations if they didn't want to change.
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Lead image taken from Pixabay
Note: The article also published on my wall .


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