Positive Thinking and Peace of Mind (Brief Reflections Part #5).

21 Jul 2023

Originally Posted: article.coinpayu

๐Ÿ’– Part # 1 - Life, dreams that have no end.

๐Ÿ’– Part # 2 - The force that drives us to live and dream.

๐Ÿ’– Part # 3 - The Wings of Ignorance.

๐Ÿ’– Part # 4 - Curiosity: the engine of learning and innovation.

Without a doubt, positive thinking is a mental attitude that consists of focusing on the favorable aspects of life and expecting beneficial results; on the other hand, peace of mind is a state of calm and inner harmony that is achieved when you accept what is and release what cannot be controlled. These two qualities that many of us look for can improve our health, our well-being and our happiness, however, it is not always easy to cultivate them, especially when we are faced with difficult, stressful or negative situations.

So, how can we then develop positive thinking and peace of mind? Some tips that can help you:

โœ” Practice gratitude: Gratitude is recognition and appreciation for what we have, what we are and what we experience. Practicing gratitude helps us value the good in our lives, reduce complaints and comparisons, and increase our self-esteem and joy.

โœ” Take care of the body: The body and mind are connected, so taking care of our body helps us take care of our mind. Some ways to take care of our body are to eat healthy, exercise regularly, sleep well, hydrate, breathe deeply and relax.

โœ” Take care of the mind: The mind also needs attention and care, so it is important to nurture it with positive thoughts, emotions and habits. Some ways to take care of our mind are to meditate, read, learn, laugh, express our emotions, be creative and have hobbies.

โœ” Surround yourself with positive people: The people we associate with influence our mood and our way of seeing life. For this reason, it is important to surround ourselves with positive people, who support us, inspire us and give us value. Likewise, we must avoid or limit contact with negative people who criticize us, judge us or make us feel bad.

โœ” Face problems with optimism: Problems are an inevitable part of life, but they don't have to be a source of suffering. We can face problems with optimism, seeing them as opportunities for learning, growth and improvement. To do this, we can look for creative solutions, ask for help if we need it, learn from our mistakes and celebrate our achievements.

โœ” Cultivate self-love: Self-love is the respect, acceptance, and appreciation we have for ourselves. Cultivating self-love helps us feel good about ourselves, trust our abilities, and make decisions in line with our values and interests. To cultivate self-love we can talk to ourselves positively, forgive ourselves for our failures, acknowledge our successes, and take care of our needs.

โœ” Live in the present: The present is the only moment we have to live, so we must make the most of it. Living in the present helps us to enjoy what we do, to be more attentive and aware, and to avoid the stress and anxiety generated by the past and the future. To live in the present we can practice mindfulness, focus on one thing at a time, appreciate the small details and be flexible in the face of changes.

But, and there is always a but, achieving that state of mental peace can be a problem for many of us. A very useful tool for these purposes is meditation, which in alliance with positive thinking can turn out to be the combination that we lack to produce that well-being that we so desire. Some tips that can help you are:

โœ” Choose a suitable time and place to meditate: The ideal is to meditate in the morning, when the mind is clearer and more receptive, and in a quiet, comfortable place without distractions. You can use relaxing music, candles, or incense to create a conducive environment.

โœ” Adopt a comfortable and relaxed posture: You can sit in a chair, on the floor or on a cushion, with your back straight and your hands on your knees or abdomen. You can also lie on your back, with your legs and arms slightly apart. The important thing is that you feel comfortable and relaxed.

โœ” Breathe deeply and slowly: Breathing is key to meditating, as it helps us oxygenate the body and mind, relax muscles, and focus on the present moment. Take a deep breath in through your nose, filling your abdomen and chest with air, and exhale slowly through your mouth, emptying your chest and abdomen of air. Repeat this cycle several times, following the rhythm of your breathing.

โœ” Repeat positive affirmations: Positive affirmations are short and simple phrases that express what we want to achieve or how we want to feel. For example: "I am capable of overcoming any difficulty", "I accept and love myself as I am", "I am full of energy and vitality". Repeat these affirmations mentally or out loud, while taking a deep breath and feeling their effect on your body and mind.

โœ” Observe your thoughts without judging them: It is normal for thoughts of all kinds to arise during meditation, both positive and negative. Do not try to avoid or suppress them, just observe them with curiosity and without judging them. Recognize that they are just thoughts, that they do not define who you are or what you can do. Let them pass like clouds in the sky, without clinging to them or giving them more importance than they have.

โœ” Be thankful for all the good things you have: Gratitude is a positive emotion that helps us value the good things in our lives, feel happier, and attract more good things. At the end of the meditation, take a few minutes to thank for all the good things you have: your health, your family, your friends, your work, your dreams. Feel how your heart is filled with love and joy.

Positive thinking and meditation to achieve peace of mind are tools that you can incorporate into your daily routine to improve your well-being, they are skills that we can develop with practice and perseverance. If you do them regularly, you will notice their benefits in all areas of your life and you will be able to achieve a higher level of personal satisfaction.

#Part_1, #Part_2, #Part_3, #Part_4

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