Top Business Personalities to Follow on Social Media

27 Jun 2024

In the digital age, social media has become an essential platform for business leaders to share insights, innovations, and strategies.

Following influential business personalities on social media can provide invaluable learning opportunities and keep you updated with the latest trends and ideas.

This article highlights some of the top business personalities you should follow on social media for their expertise, thought leadership, and the inspiration they provide.

Elon Musk: The Visionary Entrepreneur

Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, is renowned for his groundbreaking work in various industries, including space exploration, electric vehicles, and renewable energy.

Musk's social media presence, particularly on Twitter, is as dynamic and unconventional as his business ventures. He frequently shares updates on his companies, insights into his vision for the future, and personal thoughts on a wide range of topics.

Musk's Twitter feed is a goldmine for anyone interested in innovation and entrepreneurship. His posts often provide a behind-the-scenes look at SpaceX launches, Tesla advancements, and his latest projects like Neuralink and The Boring Company.

Additionally, Musk's candidness and sense of humor make his social media presence not only informative but also highly engaging.

Key Takeaways:

  • Follow for insights on space exploration, electric vehicles, and renewable energy.
  • Engaging and often entertaining content.
  • Real-time updates on groundbreaking projects.

Follow Elon Musk on Twitter: @elonmusk

Sheryl Sandberg: The Leadership Advocate

Sheryl Sandberg, the Chief Operating Officer of Meta (formerly Facebook), is a prominent figure in the tech industry and a strong advocate for women in leadership. Sandberg's social media channels, particularly LinkedIn and Facebook, offer a wealth of knowledge on leadership, management, and gender equality in the workplace.

Sandberg's posts often highlight her experiences in the tech industry, provide practical advice on career development, and promote her initiatives like Lean In, which encourages women to pursue their ambitions. Her content is insightful and motivational, making her a must-follow for aspiring leaders and professionals.

Key Takeaways:

  • Follow for leadership and management insights.
  • Advocacy for gender equality in the workplace.
  • Practical career advice and motivational content.

Follow Sheryl Sandberg on LinkedIn: Sheryl Sandberg

Gary Vaynerchuk: The Marketing Guru

Gary Vaynerchuk, also known as Gary Vee, is a serial entrepreneur, author, and internet personality who has made a name for himself in the digital marketing space. As the CEO of VaynerMedia, Vaynerchuk's expertise in social media marketing and brand building is widely recognized. His energetic and no-nonsense approach to business and marketing is evident in his social media posts.

Vaynerchuk's social media presence spans multiple platforms, including Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and TikTok. He shares daily content ranging from marketing tips and business advice to personal anecdotes and motivational speeches. Vaynerchuk's ability to connect with his audience and provide actionable insights makes him an influential figure to follow.

Key Takeaways:

  • Follow for social media marketing and brand-building strategies.
  • High-energy, motivational content.
  • Practical advice for entrepreneurs and marketers.

Follow Gary Vaynerchuk on Instagram: @garyvee

Indra Nooyi: The Corporate Trailblazer

Indra Nooyi, the former CEO of PepsiCo, is widely regarded as one of the most influential business leaders of our time. Her tenure at PepsiCo was marked by significant growth and a strong focus on sustainability and innovation. Nooyi's social media presence, particularly on LinkedIn, reflects her deep understanding of corporate strategy and her commitment to social responsibility.

Nooyi shares thoughtful posts about her experiences leading a global corporation, the challenges and opportunities in the business world, and her perspectives on leadership and innovation.

Her content is rich with lessons from her illustrious career and offers valuable insights for both established and aspiring business leaders.

Key Takeaways:

  • Follow for corporate strategy and leadership insights.
  • Focus on sustainability and innovation.
  • Inspirational content from a highly respected business leader.

Follow Indra Nooyi on LinkedIn: Indra Nooyi


Following top business personalities on social media can provide a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. From Elon Musk's visionary ideas and Sheryl Sandberg's leadership advocacy to Gary Vaynerchuk's marketing expertise and Indra Nooyi's corporate wisdom, these leaders offer unique perspectives that can enhance your understanding of the business world.

Engage with their content, learn from their experiences, and apply their insights to your own professional journey.

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