God is always with you

17 Apr 2023

Hello everyone, welcome back to my writing for the umpteenth time. Thank you for being a part of my life journey. In this writing I want to tell you about God is always with you. So ya, happy reading.

My friends, this past week I am very grateful that I have received many positive things from God's inclusion. Starting from friendships, lecture activities, participation in the busi- ness that I am currently running, my organization, my relationship with my family, and others. I am very happy that in every activity that I do, everything is oriented toward positive thoughts and. feelings so that my enthusiasm for living life in a beautiful universe continues. Therefore, I want to con- tinue to thank God, who has always" been with me in all my activities, whatever I am doing or what I have
not done. I still rely on God in all of my activities, whatever the plan is, whatever the activity is, God is always first and foremost in my life. Once again, thank God.

In writing, I want to share a story about one thing that has happened in my life, namely the farewell event for Bank Indonesia scholar- ship recipients which was held on 11-12 February 2022 at the KTM Resort. I am grateful that this activ- ity was carried out well, and I am grateful that this activity is based on a togetherness orientation so that from the beginning of the event to the end of the event, happiness always accompanies this activity. Thank you to the committee who have tried their best to realize this activity, and thank you also to friends who always support one another so that this activity can run well. You are great,
There is one positive thing that I got from this activity, namely together- ness to get happiness. Apparently to get happiness is simple, yes, we just need to do something together, respect one another, communicate with each other without using phones, interact directly without us- ing social media, share life stories, exchange ideas, and the like.

It was a lot of fun together. With dir- ect togetherness, outside of social media, I can find what happiness is. the meaning of happiness is very simple, namely, happiness is when we can respect one another when sharing stories, happiness is when we manage to look at the face of the person who is talking to us, and happiness is when we succeed in ac- cepting whatever conditions are go- ing on. Happiness is very simple as that. But why is it so hard for people to find the meaning of happiness?
God. Maybe of all this, God is the answer. God is always present in each of our lives, and He is always with whatever we are doing. Whether it's positive, whether it's negative, God is always with you. God is always kind to his creation. God always accepts whatever con- dition his creation is experiencing. and He always gives helps us so that every plan that is being planned can run well. Thank you, God! you are very good for my life.

Thank you my friends in this com- munity. Wanda, mey, siu, Sintia, Affan, Jessi, Khadafi, anan, and others, thank you. You are good people. Good people who always listen, good people who understand each other, good people who always give happiness to anyone around you. Thank you! The hope is that
our communication will always be good, whatever the conditions are, I love you. I hope this activity is not the end of our meeting. Hopefully, this activity can be a beautiful part of our journey! Hope you guys are always healthy!

Thank you to all of you. Thank you for reading this article. See you in my next life story! God bless us always!

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