Bloodloop - Play to Airdrop

12 Mar 2024

Registrations for the closed beta play-to-airdrop event of BloodLoop are now officially open, allowing participants to claim their on-chain username and mint the battle pass to gain access to the playtest and become eligible for token rewards.

The studio behind BloodLoop, a 5v5 hero shooter incubated by Seedify, has officially opened registrations for their play-to-airdrop closed beta event, through which participants will have a chance to earn $BLS tokens as well as test out the tactical Web3 title.


Event Details

Registrations officially opened on March 6th, amassing more than 100k sign-ups after less than 72 hours. To participate, simply head to the official website linked in the below tweet, where you will be able to register your email in order to claim your on-chain username. A custodial wallet will be automatically created for you to use in-game, and once you confirm your email and redeem your username, you can start minting daily energy by logging in for 7 days in a row in order to unlock the battle pass and become qualified to access this closed beta.
While no start date for the closed beta seems to be mentioned, what is known, based on the registration page, is that the team plans on having the beta run for around 2 months, and that it will be available on PC only.

Prize Pools

There are various social media-related daily quests that you can complete in order to earn credits that help you climb higher on an airdrop leaderboard, said to have a prize pool of 200k $BLS tokens. There is also a 20k $BLS Registration Pool that is awarded to referrers who invite friends that successfully claim their on-chain username. The rewards don’t stop at these two pools; in fact, the developers have stated that they plan to distribute millions of tokens over the course of 3 months that will consist of playtesting and various tournaments. Creating content, providing constructive feedback and reporting bugs will be rewarded based on criteria that will be provided in the future. A token airdrop to all participants who play the game will also be distributed, depending on the amount of time spent in-game as well as the number of matches played.


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