I'll rise despite

5 Jan 2023

You might record my name in history.
You could drag me into the mud with your sour, contorted falsehoods.
I will ascend nonetheless, like dust.

Does my snark bother you?
Why are you constantly depressed?
Because of the way I move, oil wells seem to be pumping in my living room.

similar to suns and moons,
With the tides' predictability,
similar to burgeoning hopes
I'll still get up.

Did you intend to see me fall apart?
lowered eyes and a bowed head?
shoulders that are drooping like tears.
weakened by my heartfelt sobs.

Do you find my arrogance offensive?
Please don't take it too personally since I chuckle as if I'm digging for gold in my own backyard.

You can use words to murder me, cut me with your eyes, and kill me with your hatred, yet I will still rise like the air.

Do you find me to be too sexy?
Does it surprise you that I dance as if I have jewels at the point where my thighs meet?

I emerge from the huts of shame from history.
Rising from a painful history, I do so.
I bear in the tide like a black ocean that is huge and bounding.
I rise, leaving behind the nights of anguish and fear.
I rise into a marvelously clear dawn.
I represent the aspiration and hope of the slave by bringing the gifts that my forefathers contributed.
I rise

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