What is Bulb? How to earn faster and more?

2 Jan 2024

Hello guests and registered members 🤝

What is Bulb ?

Write to Earn.
Read to Earn.
BULB is a Web3 blogging platform where ideas, passion and engagement are all rewarded.

In general, we can earn Bulb tokens by producing content.

What is Bulb Token ?

How is the value of Bulb tokens calculated?

Token price is calculated as 0.0005 SOL. You can think of this as $0.05. I don't know if this will change in the future. We will experience it and see together.
I don't know if savings are being bought and sold openly at the moment.
A liquidity pool will be created from $SOL to $BULB on a Solana-based DEX mentioned in the Roadmap. Anyone will be allowed to exchange Solana for BULB Tokens and vice versa. In BULB they have planned to establish a community-driven liquidity pool in the future. I will share such information as I obtain it for those who follow my articles.
BULB has become a site that I like and love very much, so I will use this site as much as I can. The token price is calculated with 0.0005 SOL, which is currently $ 0.05, which is a very minimal or ideal price.
It cannot be bought or sold anywhere, there is a listing for this quarter, according to what is written in the roadmap/whitepaper.

How to earn faster and more?

When each new member registers, they will have 30 energy that is renewed after a certain period of time. As your level increases, your energy quota increases.

Don't waste your energy
If you are confident in yourself, write blog posts.
If you are not confident or have no experience in writing a blog, if you write your blog with information taken from left and right, this may harm your account. As for how it causes harm; Because there are Moderators (Controllers) in the system. They also earn BULB like you. That's why the system is progressing nicely. If your posts are reported, this may harm both your blog post and your membership. If you are hesitant about blogging like what I wrote above, you can definitely become a reader or sharer. The system was built to provide BULB to everyone.

You Can Earn More Points by Doing Weekly Tasks

Tasks to interact in general ;Press the "Read" button to show that you have read any blog. When you do this, 1 of your energy will be lost. You can click the "Read" button on this post.
If you want to react to any blog, click the "Wow" button. When you do this, 1 of your energy will be lost. You can click the "Wow" button on this post.

Sharing Task ;

You can complete this task by sharing this post.

Comment Challenge ;

You can complete this task by commenting on shared blogs. You can also earn points by commenting on my post.

Blogging Challenge

I talked about blogging above. If you are confident in yourself, you can do it.
Your content should not be copied content - it should be original.
There should be a minimum of 150 words when writing a blog. If you want to earn a lot of points, your blog should be for everyone.
It should be interesting.
The titles of your blog are as important as the content. It should be an interesting title that will arouse people's curiosity.

Every time you publish your blog, you lose 30 points. If the blog you will write is good, it is not a problem, because the points you spend will come back in abundance.

Refer & Earn Challenge

For reference contraction task : https://www.bulbapp.io/share

When you invite your friends, you can earn points by inviting them within 24 hours. One should read a post, react and comment. The faster you do it, the higher your score will be.

Don't forget to press the "Complete" button after completing the tasks.

After completing the tasks, your level will increase with your points. And this way you will be able to earn more.

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