Khazar Khaganate

15 Jan 2024

The Khazars, established under the leadership of Bulan in the northern part of the Caucasus near the Caspian Sea, strategically positioned themselves surrounded by China to the east, Byzantium to the west, Slavs to the north, and Arabia to the south. Due to their location on trade routes, they had a strong economic structure.
As the first and only Turkic state to adopt Judaism, the Khazars established a governance based on justice and tolerance.

Indicators of the justice and tolerance of the Khazars include:

  1. Despite the leaders adopting Judaism, they did not interfere with the beliefs of the people.
  2. Worship places of different religions, such as mosques, synagogues, and churches, coexisting side by side.
  3. Representation of judges from each religion in courts and the practice of judging everyone according to their own faith. (In the courts, there are 2 Muslims, 2 Christians, 2 Jews, and 1 Shamanist judge. This situation indicates the absence of a secular legal system among the Khazars and the presence of religious tolerance, reflecting their monotheistic belief.)

After the collapse of the Sassanian Empire centered in Iran, the Belenzers engaged in the Battle of Belencer with the Muslims during the time of Caliph Uthman. They resisted the Islamic state and, by defeating the Muslims, managed to hinder the spread of Islam in the Caucasus.

A Turkish video

By the year 965, the Hazars losing control over trade routes led to the deterioration of their economic structure. Weakened by the attacks of the Pechenegs, the state was eventually dismantled by the Russians.

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