Dangers for humans during migration

17 Aug 2024

Increased controls and conflicts along migration routes from East Africa have left many migrants stranded in dangerous conditions in transit countries. Programs like the EU-IOM Joint Initiative provide essential assistance, helping migrants return home and reintegrate, but more support is needed as global migration challenges grow.

The journey for migrants from East Africa has become increasingly dangerous due to heightened land and sea controls and ongoing conflicts along key migration routes. Many migrants heading to Europe, the Middle East, or southern Africa find themselves stranded in transit countries like Libya, Djibouti, or Tanzania. These countries often lack the infrastructure to support the influx, leaving migrants vulnerable to abuse, deprivation of rights, and, in severe cases, crimes against humanity. Stranded in these locations, migrants are unable to continue their journey or return home, often finding themselves in situations where they face kidnapping, assault, or even death.

For many, the only lifeline is assistance from governments or international organizations, which can facilitate their return to their country of origin. However, returning migrants often face additional challenges, such as economic hardship and psychological trauma. Programs like the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration, funded by the European Union, have provided vital support by facilitating the return and reintegration of over 134,000 migrants. This initiative has offered not only safe passage home but also economic assistance, counseling, and medical care to help returnees rebuild their lives.

The program’s success highlights the importance of reintegration support, particularly in regions where migrants are at high risk of abuse. As global migration policies become more restrictive, the number of stranded migrants may continue to rise, underscoring the need for sustained and effective reintegration efforts.

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