The Steadfast Guardian

19 May 2024

A Tribute to the Provider and Protector

In the heart of the home where shadows dance,

There stands a figure, strong, steadfast, and grand,

A man whose hands hold both shield and lance,

Protector and provider of his land.

He wakes before dawn breaks its silent veil,

His dreams surrender to the morning’s call,

With tireless spirit, he begins his tale,

A guardian prepared for every thrall.

Through fields of labor, sweat upon his brow,

He toils and bends, yet never does he break,

Each step a promise, every furrowed plow,

For those he loves, each burden he will take.

The weight of worlds he carries in his chest,

A heart that beats with love’s relentless might,

In times of plenty, or in times of test,

He stands a beacon in the darkest night.

His hands, though rough, are gentle in their touch,

Crafting comfort from the earth and wood,

Each gesture whispers, "I love you this much,"

His silent strength so often misunderstood.

When storms approach and skies turn ominous,

He braces firm, a bulwark against fate,

Through every trial, so arduous,

His steady gaze commands the tempest wait.

His voice, a lullaby when shadows creep,

A soft assurance in the children's ears,

He guards their dreams in the silence of sleep,

Chasing away their deepest, darkest fears.

With wisdom carved from years of sacrifice,

He teaches lessons forged in hardship's flame,

His stories filled with love’s enduring price,

Imparting values more than wealth or fame.

In the tapestry of life’s grand design,

His threads are woven with resilience,

A man who gives without a thought of mine,

His family’s joy, his true inheritance.

And though the world may not in full admire,

The quiet hero in his daily stride,

Within his hearth, he lights an endless fire,

His love a beacon, glowing far and wide.

So let us honor him in song and praise,

The man who stands where others might retreat,

Through endless nights and countless weary days,

His heart remains unbowed, his soul complete.

For in his eyes, the stars reflect their gleam,

A promise of tomorrow yet to be,

A man, a rock, a harbor and a dream,

Provider, protector, always free.

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