What is io.net (IO)

11 May 2024

What is io.net (IO)

What is io.net?

io.net is a decentralized GPU network designed to provide computing power to large-scale start-ups, especially those focused on artificial intelligence. This network makes computing power more scalable, accessible and efficient.

Its mission is to open access to computing power in an equitable manner by bringing together over 1 million GPUs from independent data centers, crypto miners, and crypto projects like Filecoin or Render. Since it is a physical infrastructure network, it can be considered in the DePIN category.

What is io.net used for?

io.net has the goal of building the world's largest AI computing DePIN, powered by Solana and Aptos. io.net is building an enterprise-grade decentralized computing network that allows machine learning engineers to access distributed cloud clusters at a much lower cost than centralized services.

This network combines unused GPUs from standalone data centers, crypto miners, and other hardware networks like Filecoin, Render, etc. to create a DePIN that gives engineers access to massive amounts of on-demand computing power. With io.net, teams can scale workloads on a GPU network with minimal adjustments.
Why is io.net Important? io.net Differences

io.net has more than 63 thousand GPU providers, and this is an important step towards democratizing access to computing power. It also runs at almost 10% of the cost of traditional cloud providers.

The importance of io.net and its difference from other projects become evident thanks to a few basic features and capabilities. First, it helps AI startups and researchers greatly reduce their costs by offering access to GPUs and CPUs at significantly lower prices than centralized cloud providers. It also allows users to access GPUs and CPUs anywhere in the world instantly and without permission.

io.net has a large network infrastructure consisting of more than 25,000 nodes, making it the largest decentralized GPU network in the world. It has a technology that allows GPUs to be clustered together in the cloud. It can help large-scale AI initiatives reduce computing costs by 90%. Additionally, it is integrated with other leading projects such as Render and Filecoin. Additionally, io.net is built on the Solana blockchain, which offers high performance and low transaction fees.

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