Dumping Your Wastage in Society?

11 Feb 2025

Good Morning Bulb Family!

Greetings, everyone!


From the very beginning of life, nothing is comparable to human beings. They are so intelligent. Their wisdom makes them the head of the table. Their supremacy is renowned and never questioned. But are they aware of it? Do they care? Still, they are sleeping and destroying their own homes. Will they be called the supreme power of life?

No, I don’t think that human beings are learning anything. Day by day, they are lagging behind. Their ignorance and arrogance will be the reason for their mass extinction. They are so busy polluting their own residence. Is this what they truly desire? I don’t think so. But look at them. Do you think they are learning? No, dear. They are not, but they know everything and just remain that way. The world is about to end, and they still don’t care! I'm surprised. To be honest, I'm scared. They have no idea that slowly they are burying their own souls!

Note: This article is also published on my read.cash account.

Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.

Carnival of Rust

Just look at that picture. I'm standing in the building, and that’s the view from the balcony! The people around the house are dumping their waste in a place where people reside! No concern about disease outbreaks in that area! They are happy because they have finally found a way to dump their responsibilities. Yes, responsibilities! What is the point of making the residents ill in this way? Little children play around it. Would you allow your kids to be in such a place?

It is a building where one of my friends resides. After my office, he asked me to visit him. They had recently shifted there, and I hadn’t visited them yet. His laptop had some issues and wasn’t working properly. I went there according to the address he provided. I parked my bike in the parking lot. The first thing that annoyed me was the bad smell. I had no idea where it was coming from, but I remained silent because I thought something else, like a little mouse, might have died. I went up to the 3rd floor and got into his apartment. I didn’t ask anything about the bad smell.

But it was all over the area. I couldn’t take it anymore and asked about it. My friend's face turned sad. He grabbed my hand and showed me the view. I was shocked. I asked him why he chose this place to reside. He replied that all this mess had happened in the last 20 days when the regular dump yard was captured by a political leader who wanted to build a shopping mall there. Since there was no place to dump garbage, people chose this spot.

The Harsh Reality of Irresponsibility

Just look at it. What do you feel? I become upset whenever I see this picture. My friend's family has already sent an application to the municipality and even attached a notice board at the site, requesting people not to throw garbage there. But human nature refuses to learn from mistakes. The local people are not paying any heed to that notice board. They continue throwing waste materials and rotten things there. Animals like dogs and cats have found a new place to satisfy their hunger, but this is spreading bad smells, diseases, and filth around the society. Nobody cares about it. How irresponsible people are!

This is the common picture of a so-called upgraded society full of irresponsible citizens. I am pretty sure that most people here can relate to the uncomfortable feelings I am having right now. Why? Because you have already faced it or at least witnessed it in your daily life. Right?
Now, what should we do? We can't just stay at home and let others pollute my area, my society, my home, my Earth. Sooner or later, my family and kids will suffer from it. It’s better to act now and prevent this before we find ourselves running to a hospital with sick family members. This is a clear warning. More pollution means more disasters. What are we waiting for? An alarm? Go, do something now!

Ending Thoughts

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Gmail: jawadniazi897@gmail.com


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