Now for God so Ioved the world that he gave his only begotten son and whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
This is a poem to describe such love which is shown by our creator.
My heavenly addiction
I know I've sinned,
so much on a platter
but it doesn't even matter.
Cause you're all that happened.
See on old calvary road,
You made a decree
that changed My degree.
So now I say what was told.
It is finished,
a decree to all My pains
and My degree with so many gain.
For I know now My sins have been tarnished.
For the blood that was shed.
Spoke clearly and became my shade,
even in the time of trouble
I know who I hail.
He’s my saviour,
the one who took me to bed
not minding what was said.
Plenty trouble
He's been there,
and that when it mattered
He showed he is all that matters.