How to behave as a top politician in Sweden

16 Apr 2024

According to a large survey, honesty and competence are the most important qualities for national politicians in Sweden. Over a period of more than 20 years, other political qualities have lost popularity.

The survey, conducted in 2022 by the SOM Institute at the University of Gothenburg, reveals that Swedish voters prioritize honesty and competence in national politicians. The survey gathered responses from 26,250 randomly selected individuals between the ages of 16 and 90 across the country. The net response rate was 49 percent, forming part of the SOM survey 2022 conducted by the SOM Institute.

Comparing the responses from 2022 with those from the 2000 SOM survey, intelligence ranks third among desirable qualities, while being a "strong leader" occupies the fourth position. The importance of strong leadership quality has increased compared to the 2000 survey.
Interestingly, humor does not hold much significance for voters and has declined in importance over the past two decades. The qualities of "having humor" and "being inspiring" have both decreased by twelve and nine percentage points, respectively since 2000.

When considering the importance of being "like ordinary people," this quality has experienced the greatest decline, with a decrease of 16 percentage points. It was ranked third in 2000 but fell to sixth place in 2022. The survey suggests that individuals with left-leaning political views have shifted their perspective on the significance of this quality.

In the year 2000, those on the left considered it most important for national politicians to be "like ordinary people." However, the trend has reversed, with right-leaning individuals, particularly sympathizers of the Sweden Democrats (SD), now placing higher importance on this quality. Supporters of the Left Party and the Green Party are now less likely to prioritize having an "ordinary person" as a national politician.

The survey also indicates that only six percent of respondents believe it is very important for a national politician to be a woman, which is consistent with the proportion from the 2000 survey. However, for voters on the left, the gender of the politician holds slightly more significance than for those on the right.

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