look at all my software and games and 1 blockchain game

20 May 2024

i hope you like my games and software i hope you like my cat town stats i get 3.6 floofs per hours so i can make like 30 cents every few hours i think that like $1 to $2 aday i can make cats if i want to or sell them to there cat selling soon so i can choose to sell my cats soon or make money of my 1000 cats so i make alot per hour i hope i can make my 16 usd aweek because i think i earn the money for the giftcard each week so i could buy a giftcard from coinbees each week i put over 200 usd in it i can make it back in 3 months that would be around $250 usd i dont know i think it like $60 to $70 usd per month and 16 to 30 usd per week so i can buy a giftcard which week so it a win win for me that mean i can buy gori when it comes out the cat game i hope it a good game i did 2 time fishing and i think it fun but i did not win anything back i put 400 kibble into game and got less than 400 kibble i got lots of games and software to play to from kinguin and gog and steam i love buy games and software it was my brithday 4 days ago i hope i can get a late brithday gift from everyone it was on the 16 of may my brithdaye

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