Promoted to next semester

17 May 2024

Good Morning Bulb Family!

Greetings, everyone!


Hello, Bulb community! I hope you all are having a great day. I apologize for my absence. Every time I set new goals, something comes up, and I get busy with household chores. I’m sorry again for not being available today. I’ve been trying to find time to interact with your articles but haven’t even managed to reply to your comments.

Note: This article is also published on my account.

Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.

Why do I blog?

Day Activities

Image from Unsplash

This morning, I woke up very early because my grandmother woke me up. My cousin’s son, who was born just three days ago, passed away today. My grandmother asked me to get ready and take her to their home. He died due to an insufficient supply of water in his stomach. Can you imagine her pain? She carried her baby for nine months, only for him to die after just three days. I spent half of my day there. When I returned home, I started preparing for Friday prayers. After an hour, I came back from the mosque. It was around 2 PM when I got home.

I wanted to interact with you then, but I received a call from a friend who was about to arrive at my place. We chatted for two hours, and then they invited me to go to a snooker club with them. I spent the rest of the day with them and just got home a few minutes ago. I haven't done anything else yet, and the first thing I did was pick up my laptop to write this article.

Promoted to next semester

Image from Unsplash

While I was hanging out with my friends, I received a notification that my exam results had been announced. If you remember, at the start of this month, I was taking my final exams, and today the results were released. When I received the notification, I was playing snooker. I immediately dropped my cue and sat down on a chair. My hands were trembling with fear because I was worried about how I would face my parents if I failed any subject. My friends were very excited to see my results and kept urging me to check them, but I was too nervous to open them.

Can you believe it? An hour after receiving the notification, I finally checked my results. When I opened them, a big smile appeared on my face, and I started dancing with joy right there in the snooker club. Everyone was watching me, but I ignored them and just enjoyed my happiness. I’m thrilled to share that I’ve been promoted to the 6th semester. Although my results weren’t perfect, I’m happy because I passed without any backlogs.

Ending Thoughts

I think that's enough for today. I want to express my full feelings and describe the whole scenario about my results in a separate article. I'll write more about it later. Today, I’m tired and not in the mood to talk about it.

Until we meet again, stay curious, stay connected, and above all, stay true to yourself.
If you have any questions or further inquiries, feel free to reach out to me through my contact information provided below:

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Btw, if you have any queries regarding anything you can follow me on my different branches :)


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