Tea Is My First Addiction and Love
In our lives we all are getting addictive of something bad or good and people surrounding us try their best to introduce us with our bad or good habits. Some are addictive of reading books all time, some are addictive of long sleep and some are addictive of taking several cups of tea in a day.
At one time am habitual of long sleep and reading the novel, magazine & stories books. Especially in my holidays, I spent my whole day in reading novels and at exact 8:00 pm or sometimes earlier I gone to the sleep. I continue my this routine till the 18 years of my life.
With the sleeping and the reading novels, I was also addictive of the tea from the childhood and I got this addiction from my father.
But my this addiction was getting increased during COVID-19 and then after my graduation I started to take four to five cups of tea in a day and sometimes more than this.If it's winter season then my Mom compromise with my this habit.But in summer when I start making the tea then my Mom must give me the long lecture she says all time;
"عروج یہ چاے تمھارا خون جلا دے گی"
But now with the addiction of the tea am also addictive of this sentence 😁. Also Abu's support is with me. Not in all days, I enjoyed my love of tea in weekend days and you say I spent my hour in taking these sip of the tea.
At weekend it's my routine I leave my bed late and after doing the breakfast I again made the strong cup of tea and go to the stairs to spend sometime with myself and to feel the peace of holiday 😂.Then my this tea drama continued till late night,I made tea three to four times a day even in summer . If am in good mood then I will must sent the tea streak to my friends🤩
The tea has the special importance in Urdu poetry. Means not only me lots of people are addictive of tea. The famous Urdu sentence about tea that am seeing now a days on social media platforms is
"تم، میں اور اک کپ چائے ", but till yet I didn't apply this line on my cup of tea. In future I will do it🥺.
Some poet said that
-"کتاب عشق میں ہم چائے کو اپنا سکون لکھتے ہیں"
No doubt that peace is hidden in it that's why am addictive of it. Some people says that tea is very dangerous for our health but till yet it's not proved harmful for me.
Closing Thoughts:
It's true when we are getting addictive of something or someone then it's difficult for us to survive without them. Like me now a days my life line and energy line is tea and if I didn't take it at time I feel something missing in my life. No doubt tea is my first love and addiction which I don't leave it.
Thanks For Reading....!
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All pictures are clicked by me and the blog is already published on my readcash profile.