Causes of Discomfort in Pregnancy

2 Oct 2022

The following is a list of the most common discomforts of pregnancy and some guidelines for coping with them.

Nausea and Vomiting
  1. Eat small frequent meals.During pregnancy, going too long without eating might worsen or exacerbate nausea. Eat every one to two hours if your nausea is persistent.
  2. Avoid greasy, high-fat foods. They are more difficult to digest.
  3. Eat dry starchy items in the morning before getting out of bed, such as crackers, toast, or cereal. Additionally, it is beneficial to stay in bed for about 20 minutes after eating, and then gently get out of bed because a fast shift in position can make you feel sicker.
  4. Drinking carbonated beverages as well as peppermint, spearmint and chamomile teas may help.
  5. Eat plenty of carbohydrate-rich foods such as cereal, fruit, bread and rice. They are easy to digest and provide energy.

References (Example)

[1] <name>, '<title>' (online, <year>) <link>.
[2] BULB, 'Write to Earn. Read to Earn' (online, 2022) <>

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