Paper Boat: Childhood Pure Memories.
Good Morning Bulb Family!
Greetings, everyone!
Good morning! It's a bit late today, and I'm sorry for that. The sky is gloomy with no rain or thunderstorms in sight, so there's not much of a poetic vibe. What should we do now? Oh yes... let's dive into some childhood memories. I'm Jawad, your host, welcoming you all to another epic journey. So let's begin!
Note: This article is also published on my account.
Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.
Questions for Our Souls
How is our days going on right now is not our priority today. We are actually thinking those days that we had left behind a long time ago. Remembering about childhood memories in this gloomy day suddenly took me to my days of rainy season.
I think many of you can relate to this. Remember when we were kept inside because of heavy rain or thunderstorms? It felt strange and difficult to stay indoors. As children, we always wanted to be outside, playing with friends, no matter the weather—rain or scorching sun. But our parents knew that playing outside in such conditions could be harmful to our health. Times have changed, and now we've grown up, but we find ourselves doing the same thing with our children or other young ones.
My childhood Days
During my childhood, on lazy days with a gloomy sky or heavy rain, I used to make paper boats. Many of us who grew up in the '90s can probably relate to this, can't we? We made these boats not just to float them in the rainwater but also to pass the time. Interestingly, we often made these paper boats from the pages of our school exercise books. Most of the time, our homework was already done on those pages. But who cared, right? Hahaha... just kidding!
We often used the pages with less important writings from our books to make paper boats. Our family once showed us how to make a paper boat, and from then on, we couldn't stop making more and more. Humans have an endless thirst for learning, and it starts at a young age. Funny but educational. Back to the point—those with two or three siblings often made paper boats competitively.
Pure childhood memories
The eldest sibling always aimed to make the finest paper boat, while the youngest would make one any way they could, finding immense joy in their creation. Remember when it was time to float them on the rainwater? The youngest one's boat would usually sink first, causing them to cry. That crying would ruin our moment of happiness, along with all our determination and hard work. The loud cries would annoy our parents so much that they would come over and give us a slap on the head or back. Pure childhood memories. I know you have those memories too, and you're smiling right now.
Now back to our realistic life. This pandemic situation not only taught us how to be united in this awkward situation but also it reminded some awesome days of our lives.
Now we are living together.
Now we have times for our families.
Now we can listen to each others problems and we can make the solution so easy which was far difficult then when we were busy in our works.
Now we understood the meaning of life & living together.
Time has passed, and many of us are parents now. We've grown up, but those childhood memories remain in our hearts, buried but still alive. We can't relive those moments, but now our children are having their own childhoods. However, there's a significant difference: our childhoods were surrounded by green nature and organic things, while our children are surrounded by technology and artificial intelligence. Though the rain is the same, can we make paper boats for them? I know we're often forbidding our children or younger ones from going outside during the rainy season.
Ending Thoughts
Right now, I am also making one not because to float them on the water but to remind my childhood memories and share this story with you all. My paper boat, my Titanic with no Jack and Rose.
Until we meet again, stay curious, stay connected, and above all, stay true to yourself.
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