Let's Talk About Fear

8 Oct 2024

Good Morning Bulb Family!

Greetings, everyone!


Fear – Miedo – Takot. It's the same feeling, just in different languages: Spanish and Filipino. Fear is the feeling of being scared. While it often carries a negative meaning, fear is also something incredible. It keeps us alive. Yet, we constantly try to avoid it, don’t we? Why? Because we think those things we're afraid of will hurt us or cause us to lose something, right?

Hello, my dear friend. I apologize for being late once again. But here we are! You clicked the red button, a series of notifications appeared, and you saw my name. Thanks for choosing to read this. So, what’s today’s topic? You guessed it fear. You’ve already seen the title, so let’s dive into the topic and explore its different forms.

Note: This article is also published on my read.cash account.

Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.

A Lie Has No Legs

Fear of Darkness

Most people have a fear of darkness; they can't tolerate it. It brings hallucinations of terrifying scenes. Nobody enjoys being in the dark. But I do. As I’ve mentioned in my previous stories, I feel energy in darkness.

Fear of Getting Caught

If you've done something wrong in life, that fear of being caught will always linger deep inside. No matter how long ago it was or what you did, the fear never really goes away. Imagine committing a mistake years ago, almost forgetting about it, but then something or someone related to that incident appears in front of you. Just think about the situation for a second. Your heart would stop for a brief moment, and you'd feel that fear return. I’m sure this has happened to you at least once.

Fear of Insects

Ladies, what about cockroaches or spiders? I know, it’s a common fear for many. But don’t let it turn into a full-blown phobia. That can ruin your moments in public. Just try to avoid them. I remember one of my cousin's weddings was almost ruined because of this. But that’s a story for another time. What about you? Any similar experiences?

Fear of Harassment

Ever thought about this one? It’s a real fear that exists. No one wants to be harassed, whether in public, among friends, family, or colleagues. We all have self-respect, and we cherish it. The fear of being embarrassed or harassed is something none of us desire.

Wardrobe Malfunction Fear

This one is more common among women. In today’s modern world, fashion choices are meant to highlight individuality, but sometimes they lead to uncomfortable situations. Just check the internet—there are countless stories of actresses dealing with wardrobe malfunctions. Now, imagine how difficult it would be for an everyday person to handle such a situation.

Fear of Losing Hair

Let’s be honest, we’ve all thought about it at some point. ‘Am I going to go bald?’, ‘How will I look without hair?’ These are common concerns. Hair plays a significant role in how we present ourselves to others. If you think it’s not a big deal, go ahead and shave your head, then tell me how you feel!

Fear of Losing a Loved One

This is perhaps the deepest fear we face in life. Nothing compares to it. We love our close ones, and it’s unbearable to think of losing them. Life becomes hard to manage after such a loss, so we live with the constant fear of losing someone we care about. That fear often turns into something we call 'care' we worry because we love them and want them to be safe.

These are just a few of the fears I wanted to share. Surprisingly, I didn’t include the fear of death it's inevitable for everyone. I chose to focus on other fears instead. I hope you enjoyed this list! Feel free to share your own thoughts or add more fears you think should be mentioned.

Ending Thoughts

Until we meet again, stay curious, stay connected, and above all, stay true to yourself.
If you have any questions or further inquiries, feel free to reach out to me through my contact information provided below:

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Btw, if you have any queries regarding anything you can follow me on my different branches :)
Gmail: jawadniazi897@gmail.com


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