Need of Mindfulness.
Today's life is much faster, busier and technical then it was some decades back. As technology grew up, more inventions took place more facilities groomed human which are definitely required more payout. Then natural resources squeezing down and population growing up so unhealthy resistance gapping the portion of living.
Inflation, energy crises and international geopolitical situations making things more worsting. To cover up the basic needs of living a common person grilling himself in Killeen of Time. He caved himself badly in work flow that he forgets to smile, enjoy and happiness. I know personally some friends who are doing 14-16 hours work to compete the needs of family. High utility bills broken the back of people which were already under financial pressure.
Despite of all above still ourself is prime and precious. We are the one who can safe ourself from stress, anxiety and bad living environment. But how ? It is important that we must spare some time for ourself only , for our body , our mind. Because if we are peaceful, calm and mentally strong then only we can fight with circumstances with better approach.
The need of mindfulness hidden in several factors ,which we should practice on daily routine, which are definitely important like ,
Empty the mind.Learn to forget your problems, pains and hurdles for a while. Keep your mind empty from these killing viruses and sit in silence. Doing long breathing as inhale the breath and hold the oxygen in lungs as much as you can ( in start may you can hold the breath only some seconds but as practice goes on, the stamina will be increase). Then blow out the holdings and keep doing. This practice will reduce the stress, boost the energy and enhance the
functionality of mind.
Walk in nature.Go outdoor Minimum 30 minutes daily for a walk. The best time is early morning because calmness in environment , pollution free atmosphere, noise free surrounding and power of nature can generate mindfulness. Walking good for our body too but it has magical impact on our mind.
Be grateful.It is most important to put gratefulness in our life. Be grateful to your almighty God who is feeding whole universe. Be grateful to your friends , family, things and places which played vital role in your success or accomplishments. Be grateful to the time which you have and on what it awarded you already. Participate in mediation, offer prayers and stay near to almighty God.
Treat yourself.You are a human like millions which are doing mistakes, wrong decisions or missing opportunities. Always forgive yourself on your mistakes, this habit will cause self improvement.
Same time applause yourself on each part of success or successful effort. Offer a good dinner , favourite perfume or any favorite place visit to yourself on achieving any goal. Believe me this thing build a huge self motivation in human and motivated person touches heights .
Requirement of mindfulness is much more now and only can be achieved when we do effort for us , when we pay attention to ourself, when we start giving value to ourself. Although life is more complex due to financial bourdon but we must do effort to cool down his engine which is our mind.
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