The BITCOIN Act of 2024

2 Aug 2024

The BITCOIN Act of 2024, introduced by Senator Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming, marks a pivotal moment in the intersection of technology and finance in the United States.

Announced on July 27th at the Bitcoin conference in Nashville, this legislation, formally known as the “Boosting Innovation, Technology, and Competitiveness through Optimized Investment Nationwide” Act, aims to integrate Bitcoin as a strategic asset within the US financial system.

This article explores the key provisions of the BITCOIN Act, its potential implications, and the innovative funding mechanisms it employs.

Establishing the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve

The cornerstone of the BITCOIN Act is the creation of the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve (SBR). This initiative signifies a significant shift in how the US government views and manages digital assets.

The SBR is designed to function as a decentralized network of secure Bitcoin storage facilities across the country, incorporating best practices such as geographically distributed keys, a mandate for cold storage, and independent proof-of-reserves audits.

While the Act does not explicitly mandate a multi-signature system, it does not preclude it, allowing for flexibility in enhancing security measures.

Security and Decentralization

The decentralized nature of the SBR aims to mitigate the risk of a single catastrophic event compromising the entire reserve. By distributing Bitcoin across multiple secure locations, the
Act ensures that the nation’s Bitcoin holdings are well-protected against breaches and vulnerabilities. This approach mirrors the principles of Bitcoin itself—decentralization and security.

The Bitcoin Purchase Program

A central component of the BITCOIN Act is the structured Bitcoin Purchase Program, which outlines a plan to acquire up to 1,000,000 Bitcoins over a five-year period, with annual purchases capped at 200,000 Bitcoins. This strategic accumulation is intended to be held in the SBR for a minimum of twenty years.

Restrictions on Use and Sale

During the holding period, the Act imposes strict limitations on the use and sale of the reserve.

Bitcoins held by the Federal government in the SBR cannot be sold, swapped, auctioned, encumbered, or otherwise disposed of, except for the specific purpose of retiring outstanding Federal debt instruments.

This restriction ensures that the Bitcoin reserve remains intact and serves its intended strategic purpose.

Innovative Funding Mechanisms

To finance the Bitcoin acquisition without increasing the Federal debt or burdening taxpayers, the BITCOIN Act employs several innovative funding strategies.

Reallocation of Federal Reserve Surplus Funds

The Act proposes an amendment to the Federal Reserve Act to reallocate discretionary surplus funds from the Federal Reserve Banks. Specifically, it reduces the discretionary surplus funds from $6.825 billion to $2.4 billion.

The Federal Reserve is then required to remit net earnings to the Treasury, redirecting the first $6 billion towards purchasing Bitcoin. This reallocation leverages existing financial resources, ensuring that the acquisition is economically sustainable.

Adjustment in Gold Certificate Valuation

Another notable funding mechanism involves adjusting the valuation of gold certificates held by the Federal Reserve. Currently, these certificates are marked at $42.22 per ounce, significantly below the market price of approximately $2,400 per ounce.

By marking the gold certificates to market value, the Federal Reserve can remit the gain on the gold to the Treasury, providing additional funds for the initial Bitcoin acquisition.

State Participation and Flexibility

The BITCOIN Act also considers state-level participation, allowing individual states to integrate their Bitcoin holdings into the national framework through voluntary participation.

States can store their Bitcoin within the SBR in segregated accounts, maintaining exclusive title and the right to withdraw or transfer their holdings, subject to contractual agreements and applicable Federal regulations.

Benefits for States

This flexible approach enables states to benefit from the robust security infrastructure of the SBR without needing to develop their own independent systems. By participating, states can manage their Bitcoin treasuries in alignment with their financial strategies and needs, while still adhering to a standardized national custody policy.

Implications and Future Prospects

The BITCOIN Act represents a forward-thinking approach to integrating digital assets into the national reserve system.

By utilizing existing financial resources and innovative funding mechanisms, the Act seeks to acquire Bitcoin in a manner that is economically prudent and strategically beneficial.

Economic and Strategic Impact

The establishment of a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve has profound implications for the US financial system. It positions Bitcoin as a key component of the nation’s financial arsenal, potentially enhancing the country's financial stability and resilience.

Additionally, by using Bitcoin to retire Federal debt instruments, the Act could contribute to reducing the national debt over time.

Setting a Precedent

The BITCOIN Act sets a precedent for how governments can incorporate digital assets into their financial strategies. It reflects a growing recognition of the importance of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in the global financial landscape.

As other countries observe the US approach, it may inspire similar initiatives worldwide, further integrating digital assets into the global economy.


The BITCOIN Act of 2024 is a groundbreaking piece of legislation that seeks to establish Bitcoin as a strategic asset within the US financial system. Through the creation of a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve, a structured Bitcoin Purchase Program, and innovative funding mechanisms, the Act aims to integrate Bitcoin into the national reserve without increasing federal debt or burdening taxpayers. By offering state-level participation and maintaining flexibility in the management of Bitcoin holdings, the Act provides a comprehensive framework for incorporating digital assets into the US financial strategy. As this legislation progresses, it will undoubtedly shape the future of digital asset integration in government policy and inspire similar initiatives worldwide.


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