8 Jul 2024

He proposed to her immediately after their final defence in school, and she declined his proposal.

He was so hurt to the marrow, he wished he got a different answer.

Jane has been his close Paddy right from year one, they had so much in common, including their passion for Chemical Engineering, which happened to be the course they were studying in school.

He had nursed the plan to propose to her since their third year, but he was scàred of being r3jected.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months, yet, he couldn't spill the beans. He felt it wasn't the right time to do so, since they were still in school.

That was why he waited till their day of defence, before he popped the big question.

“I'm sorry Ben, but I can't marry you. I know we are good friends and I appreciate you a lot, but the truth is that I can't wait for you.

I am currently 27 years old and you are 29 years. We just graduated from school and I know you have no means of income at the moment.

I believe the best you can do right now is to find a good paying job and build your wealth to some extent, so that you can at least see the money you will use to pay your wife's Bride Price and settle other necessary expenses." She had told her.

Ben was deeply hûrt, but he perfectly understood the point she was trying to make. He wasn't ready financially and he knows it.

It will take him close to 3 years to get settled and ready for marriage, and he wouldn't want to keep her waiting.

He accepted the response in good fate, and then, they both went their separate ways.

A few years later, Ben was still struggling to stand on his feet. It was almost 4 years after graduation, yet he had nothing to show for his years of labóur.

Luck seemed to smile on him the day he saw an advert for an entry position in an oil company. He couldn't contain his joy. His credentials were enough to get him the job.

He immediately put up his resumè, arranged his CV and applied online.

On the day of the interview, he woke up earlier than usual, put everything in order and went to the venue as soon as possible.

When he got there, he was shockèd. There were over 100 persons who applied for the same position. They had all come for the interview.

He became discouraged. “How can I be the chosen one over these multitude?" He questioned himself.

He found a corner by the reception and attached himself there, as he awaited what would become of him.

“Oh Lord, please don't let me down. You assured me of this job, and I know you will perfect your work." He prayed.

Just then, he sighted an elegant lady walking into the CEO's office. The face was so familiar. He searched his brain to figure out where he had met her before.

“Jane!" He shouted. And then, realized himself. It was already late.

The woman looked behind and saw him.

“Benny!" She shouted excitedly. That was the name she called him back then.

It was the same Jane. His Jane. No! His Jane before!

They hugged and then expressed a huge surprise over each other's growth and changes.

“Things haven't been easy after our graduation. I have been seeking a job. I just learnt of this position and I came to apply." He confessed.

And then, he asked, “You, what are you doing here?"

She smiled, and said, “Actually, my husband is the owner of the company. I came around to help him conduct the interview since it has to do with my subject area."

“Don't worry! This job is yours! I have told my husband a lot about you. How you were there for me during our school days, how you never took advantage of me sèxually, even when you had the opportunity to. How you helped me to become the bold woman that I am today.

He has been praying to meet you, and appreciate you for being a great guy. I am sure he will be glad to....

“Honey. You are here. Welcome my love, please come inside." A voice cut in.

It was Jane's husband. She hugged him and gave him a knowing look, and said, “I know you have missed me. I am here jooooor."

“Baibe, who is he? His face looks familiar. I think I have seen his picture on your phone before... Wait ... Ben?" He asked.

“Yes Lovey. The one I have been telling you about." The wife explained.

He was so happy. They exchanged a handshake. And then, he led him to his office.

“Listen man, my wife has told me a lot about you. And from what she said, I am sorry but I won't give you this job. You can't serve in this position." He expressed.

There's a better place for you.

Henceforth, you will work as the new MD of this company. The previous one will be traveling out of the country in a few days time.

There is no better person to give this position than someone like you with a good track record. Congratulations to you!" He pronounced.

The future is pregnant. What it carries is unpredictable. Live in such a way that your future will be proud of your past.

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