There is one quality that a person must possess to win...

28 Feb 2024

"There is one quality that a person must possess to win, and that is DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE: the knowledge of what a person wants, and a burning DESIRE to possess it."

Think and Grow Rich
Book by Napoleon Hill

My Thoughts on this quote:

It might sound obvious that as long as you don't want something, you won't get it. But what's important is the clarity and definiteness of your purpose, and how hard you are willing to work to obtain it. I used to fantasize about getting rich and having a luxurious house and car, but I never thought about HOW I would get them, and I really didn't have any motivation to do the hard work, until I read this quote.

Video Production: TAS
Voice-over: Google Cloud
Music (YouTube Audio Library): Hopeful Freedom - Asher Fulero
Footage in order of appearance:
All from Pexels:

  • Pavel Danilyuk
  • cottonbro studio
  • Kindel Media
  • Leeloo Thefirst

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