After Pixel, how can you participate in Wild Forest, another game masterpiece on the RONIN chain?

24 Mar 2024

After Pixel, how can you participate in Wild Forest, another game masterpiece on the RONIN chain?

I believe everyone is familiar with Pixel Farm. It is the most popular chain game project on the RONIN chain recently, and it is also a new project recently launched by Binance. Players who participated in the early stages have made a lot of money from Picxel. Pixel's success is inseparable from the blessing of the RONIN ecosystem.
Since Pixel migrated to the RONIN chain, the number of users has shown explosive growth. From this, we can also look for some early chain projects on the RONIN chain and ambush them in advance. Today we are going to talk about a new game on the RONIN chain - Wild Forest. Wild Forest is a single-screen real-time strategy game where players can compete with each other in fast-paced PvP battles.

The game is still in its early stages. The official is holding the fifth season play to earn event. Players can get airdrops by participating in the game. It is worth participating.

How to join this game? The tutorial is as follows:

1、To participate in Wild Forest's play to earn we first need to prepare a RONIN wallet. We can search for RONIN wallet on Google and add a plug-in wallet, or download it on the mobile phone. After downloading, create a RONIN wallet account and remember to save the wallet mnemonic.
2、After the wallet is registered, we also need to register a SkyMavis account!We can first register with our email address, and then bind the RONIN wallet we just registered in the settings. Find the Manage Mavis account option in the account settings. After clicking it, connect the wallet at the bottom. After signing, the wallet connection is completed.
You can also use a wallet to register and then bind a secure email. I personally use wallet registration.
Official website registration link:
3、After completing the above steps, we can go to the official website (portal: to download the game and try it out. Currently, the game only supports mobile terminals, and is supported by both IOS and Android systems. Click to enter the game, then click on the upper right corner to select the SkyMavis account you just registered to log in and start the experience.
4、The current fifth season play to earn event is in progress. We can enter the battle pass in the lower left corner to view the rewards. There are currently two types of reward games: PREMIUM and FREE. For FREE rewards, you only need to complete the tasks in the TASKS on the right to get rewards. As for PREMIUM rewards, you must complete the season and win three games within ten days to be eligible to receive it. The specific task progress can be viewed on the calendar icon above the battle pass. The rewards of PREMIUM include Blue Diamond WF tokens, which will be transferred directly to the RONIN wallet after being obtained. After the official launch, they can be directly cashed out after the official liquidity is added.

I have been participating in this game for a while now. Overall, I feel that this game is very playable, unlike other boring chain games. Not long ago, the game held a pre-sale of game packages, and the popularity was very high. The current price has increased nearly 10 times. I believe that subsequent airdrops will also bring good benefits to everyone. Interested friends can join and experience the pleasure of making money while playing!

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