A Middle man

5 Oct 2022

Who Is a Middleman?
An intermediary in a series of transactions or processes is referred to as a middleman in casual language.


The phrase "middleman" refers to a broker, "go-between," or intermediary in a process or transaction.
In exchange for matching buyers and sellers, an intermediary will receive a fee or commission.
From trade and commerce to wholesalers and stockbrokers, many industries and business sectors make use of middlemen.
Recognizing the Middleman
In exchange for a commission or other payment, a middleman or mediator will enable communication between parties. Some critics contend that in order to reduce expenses and commissions, companies and customers should aim to "take out the middleman" and deal directly with one another. By reselling the item for a profit over its original cost, intermediaries also profit. The "markup," or cost the buyer ultimately pays, is the difference. Small businesses or multinational conglomerates can act as intermediaries.

An intermediate in the supply chain can be a distributor who buys products from the manufacturer and sells them to a retailer, frequently at a higher price. Middlemen are frequently referred to as salespeople, such as real estate brokers who connect homebuyers and sellers.

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