She lost love

29 May 2023

In shadows she wanders, a girl forlorn, Her heart once ablaze, now with hope torn. Love's promises whispered, then cast away, Leaving scars upon her soul's decay. Once upon a time, dreams danced in her eyes, She believed in fairy tales, love's sweetest lies. But the world turned cold, a bitter cruel jest, And the girl lost hope, her spirit oppressed. Her heartstrings now silent, no melody to play, Echoes of shattered trust still linger and sway. Love's tender touch, once a comforting embrace, Now a phantom's touch, leaving naught but trace. She sought solace in moonlight, her tear-stained face, A fragile flower wilted, her spirit embraced. Yet deep in her core, a flicker remained, A flame that whispered softly, love's song unchained. For scars bear witness to battles long fought, They speak of resilience, lessons dearly bought. In the depths of despair, a phoenix shall rise, Rekindling the embers, igniting love's ties. She weaves her sorrow into tapestries of art, Finding solace in verse, mending her broken heart. Her pen becomes a brush, painting love's lost tale, A testament to her strength, an anthem to prevail. Though love's bitter sting may pierce her soul, She'll find her voice, embrace the wounds that stole. For even in darkness, a flicker still gleams, A seed of hope, where love's light redeems. So let her tears be ink, and her pain a verse, A testament to love's power to heal and traverse. The girl who lost hope in love's treacherous game, Shall find her own rhythm, and rise with newfound flame.

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