
28 Oct 2022

Madhuri's life began to deteriorate. The same yerzara started eating here and there in the house. A kind of tension was visible on the face. once me



β€œHey, come to the gate at least.” I said β€œdon't worry about it. It is from Mumbai


She went back to the house to swallow. I went to the door and soon came inside. La said -

β€œShe came. Now you just do one thing. Stand with your eyes closed. When she comes in, I will make you stand before her. Then open your eyes as soon as I say 'open your eyes'. So your eyes will fall on her first. Got it?”

Mrs. I don't know why I am saying this. But at that moment she was ready to accept anything from me.

She stood with her eyes closed. I opened the door. 'Come on, how late?' Saying this, the girlfriend was taken inside. Then Ms. held it and stood it in front of her. A few moments passed like that. Mrs. Curiosity peaked. Then slowly told in her ear. 'Open eyes' She opened her eyes and looked ahead... and stared, speechless. Amazed, awestruck. She could not believe her eyes.
Because a woman in her forties was standing in front of her with two humps in both her arms.

Mrs. became serious. Looking at her with wide eyes, she forgot herself. Finally I shook her and brought her to consciousness.

"Madhuri, the one you wanted to see for so girlfriend..." said the girlfriend "Yes, Vahini, I want to see her girlfriend. Everyone is ready to go to their boyfriend's house. I am almost on three legs. Come. Look. See as much as you want."

Then she shook her shoulder. Brought to consciousness. turned back and said -

"Boyfriend, do you look like a madman? Are you going to tell me to sit or not? Just give me your hand..."

I reached forward and gently grabbed her dick and discretely took out a hook and placed it in the corner. Later she Mrs. looked at "The Channel... Kinda"

She is about to say something. It went ahead and removed the other crutch. We both gently made her sit on the chair. She wiped the sweat on her forehead. Arranged the saree and said smiling looking at us

To sit without anyone's support. But standing requires support. Vahini, are you surprised to see that his girlfriend is lame? Of course it is. Because as soon as you say girlfriend, a different woman will stand in front of your eyes. What will you do? It's all part of luck. How long will it take to happen?"

Mrs. No. He shook his head. 'True' seemed to convince her in her mind.

"You must be wondering how your husband became friends with a lame woman like me?"

Unknowingly Ms. His eyes went to her. But nothing

did not speak

β€œAh, one day I was passing through Girgaon. The road was very crowded. I was shocked by someone. Then he came and caught me before I fell. I read as I fell. Since then we became friends. yes friend Because in his eyes I saw a friendship that was clean, honest, sincere. There is no desire in it. I feel lucky to have such a friend. We became true friends from that occasion.”

Mrs. Everything was unexpected. The picture she had painted about her girlfriend had changed. She was heartbroken. She just sat looking at her feet.
"But this..." she asked, pointing to her feet.

The girlfriend slightly raised the saree and Mrs. Showed There was only one leg. He was also lifeless and had no other address.

"That's it, isn't it? It's a big story. Even the night before it happened, I had no idea that something like this would happen to me." She stopped for a moment and said with a sigh -

"We say it should be like this, it should be like that, it shouldn't happen, it shouldn't happen like that. But who knows what destiny has in mind? Its math is different. All this happened because of an earthquake in our village. 7/8 years ago a very big earthquake happened in our village. The whole village was destroyed in it. Hundreds of lives were destroyed. I don't know how many people died. Many houses collapsed like a house made of leaves. Our house also fell in it. Gold coins were lost in this earthquake. But even that was less because my husband and two little ones The children were also taken away. I had a son and a daughter and... and my legs were also gone. Ho Vahini..."

She held down the dowry that had come. Then recovered after some time. We don't know what to say. I just sat there numb.

"Such is the life of a man. He lives in the world on dreams. I too painted many dreams of my life. The company of a householder, a husband and children.

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