DUCKZZY: the card game (a DRiP story)

12 Feb 2024
WARNING The following article contains imagery which may be disturbing to some readers. If you're unsure please consider switching to another BULB article at this point. The images are available to view at the publicly accessible artist's page on DRiP if you wish to review there before proceeding.

DUCKZZY is one of the artists I collect on DRiP

You can find them on DRiP (above) and on their socials (below)

Their work inspired me to write this short story. Hope you like it!

DUCKZZY: the card game

Once upon a time, in a service station of no great importance or note, two players sat down for a game of cards.

How these two ended up in this service station, or why they were playing this game is lost to the mists of time.
What we do know is the stakes were high.
This was a game which in which losing meant something bad. Something dark. Something to be avoided at all costs.

The players

The players were unusual couple.

A common, sweaty Monalisa Bunny

And the one they called The Mad Bunny.

The game was very simple. It consisted of 2 rounds.
With a third round as a tiebreak if needed.
One player plays a card and the other player plays a card in response.
Next round the roles swap.

We don't need to explain any more as the game will explain itself in the course of the story. Suffice to say: The winner was always clear.

Ladies first...Round 1

The Monalisa Bunny played the first card.

The Mad Bunny played their counter card.

The Mad Bunny won the first round.

Your turn... Round 2

The Mad Bunny now took their turn to play the first card.

The Monalisa Bunny played their counter card.

The Monlisa Bunny won the second round.

The third and final round

(for third round the rules change, both players must play their cards at the same time)

The Mad Bunny was confident.
The Mad Bunny played their card.

The Monalisa Bunny was something other than confident.
And that 'something' was Seraphina.

Time passes...

The Monalisa Bunny often likes to sit with a coffee....

...and admire their collection of statues.
She says they're even better when you know the artist personally.

The end?

Do you collect on DRiP?
If so let me know in the comments who are your favourite artists and why you like them!

If you're not familiar with DRiP check out my BULB post about how the platform works and why I think it's one of the most important projects in crypto right now.

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