Are you spiritually blind?

9 Mar 2024

It never ceases to amaze me how blind we are in the western world to spiritual forces. On a daily basis, we are arrayed against sin, the flesh and the devil in this multidimensional war. Believers are predisposed to attack, but attack from whom? The devil is the prime culprit, yet he’s only a fallen cherub, neither omnipotent, nor omniscient and certainly not co-equal with God.

In order to carry out his pernicious ways, he retains the illusion of widespread ruler-ship by utilizing demonic forces at his disposal, in a systematic authority structure. These nefarious forces are at work in the earth on a continual basis and believers must not be ignorant of these spiritual entities (2 Cor 2:11). In addition, our flesh with its ungodly desires needs to be crucified on a daily basis.

We cannot ‘cast out’ that which needs to be crucified. It’s important we know the difference.

Satan has an army of dark forces at his disposal

As an army functions with various rankings of authority, so too do the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritually wicked in high places (Eph 6:12). These entities proliferate every sphere of life whilst remaining blind to the naked eye. In the Eastern culture, people don’t quibble at the mention of ‘demons’ or ‘spirits’ as their presence is more prevalent in those regions. We however in the ‘enlightened west,’ often remain blind to the spirit world which holds great sway over man’s everyday affairs.

The medical community has by and large overlooked the spirit realm and sadly, in ‘the West’ we’ve medicated patients who often require deliverance instead. I contend that many victims in mental institutions can only be ‘cured,’ by Christ’s blood and the deliverance it offers.
Jesus demonstrated His power and authority over demonic spirits on a regular basis throughout His ministry. He never once backed down from a confrontation and He is our example.

Never underestimate the power of deliverance

Clearly, not every malady is caused by demons, but Jesus performed deliverance on many occasions in His ministry. In some instances, immediate healing often occurred following deliverance of the recipient (Mat 8:16). We must never underestimate the power of deliverance and the instantaneous healing it may bring.

In western culture, we’ve educated our souls at the expense of our spirits. Many of us lack spiritual discernment within Christendom. Our inability to discern between good and evil is tantamount to our spiritual blindness. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. We should ask the Lord for discernment and exercise our spiritual senses to discern between good and evil (Heb 5:14).

We must expose the works of darkness

In today’s society, some call ‘evil’, good and vice versa (Isa 5:20-21). This is abominable in God’s sight. Scripture tells us not to participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead, expose them (Eph 5:11). We need the Lord’s help to identify these abominable libertines within the realms of media, politics, entertainment and business.

Those who willingly practice the ‘dark arts’ are playing with fire and will eventually end up burning themselves because they have no authority over the evil spirits they commune with.

Believers do have spiritual authority over dark entities, and we need to enforce it should the occasion arise. Jesus never went looking for demons, but He never backed down from a confrontation either. We need to have the same mindset, ready for confrontation if and when the need arises.
Jesus casts out demons once more

We need to open the eyes of our understanding

We need to anoint our spiritual eyes with ‘salve’ (Rev 3:18), discern the workings of evil spirits, and enforce our authority in Christ,especially when we pray for the sick. We live in a supernatural world undoubtedly, yet intellectuals have reduced the supernatural to mere superstition.

The supernatural realm cannot and must not be ignored. It’s more real than the physical realm. What begins in the spirit realm, spills over into the natural realm.

Many persecutions or trials we encounter have their inception in the spiritual realm. We must be rooted and grounded in truth, cognizant of the stark reality of an invisible realm which impacts the world around us. Not everything can be measured in a laboratory.
Can everything be measured in a ‘test-tube’?

Can a Naturalist be a Christian?

There are several worldviews which seek to marginalize God’s people in this post-modern society. Naturalists deny any form of the supernatural. They deem consciousness as merely a phenomenon of the brain and deny the afterlife.

An offshoot of naturalism is ‘materialism’, where everything exists in the physical realm only. In order for it’s existence to be proven, it must be measurable within a laboratory, i.e., it must be seen, touched, tasted or smelled. Science itself is rooted in materialism and very few scientist’s posses a Christian worldview, which is receptive to the metaphysical. This is in actuality, the correct worldview.

One cannot be a Christian and a naturalist at the same time. The Bible is saturated with supernatural manifestations. Statistics show however, that only nine percent of Americans have a biblical worldview. Many others have reverted to an “I’m spiritual but not religious” stance. This viewpoint neither requires a lifestyle change, nor accountability to God.

Modern Science ignores the supernatural

Modern science ignores the supernatural realm and its unexplainable phenomena. Many scientists in these last days are having to widen the spectrum of their worldview which needs to account for so much ‘unexplained phenomena’ from UFOs’ to demonic manifestations’ to orbs and so forth. Believers should know the majority of this phenomena is evil in origin and seeks to deceive mankind.
It never ceases to amaze me how blind we are in the western world to spiritual forces. On a daily basis, we are arrayed against sin, the flesh and the devil in this multidimensional war. Believers are predisposed to attack, but attack from whom? The devil is the prime culprit, yet he’s only a fallen cherub, neither omnipotent, nor omniscient and certainly not co-equal with God.

In order to carry out his pernicious ways, he retains the illusion of widespread ruler-ship by utilizing demonic forces at his disposal, in a systematic authority structure. These nefarious forces are at work in the earth on a continual basis and believers must not be ignorant of these spiritual entities (2 Cor 2:11). In addition, our flesh with its ungodly desires needs to be crucified on a daily basis.

We cannot ‘cast out’ that which needs to be crucified. It’s important we know the difference.

Satan has an army of dark forces at his disposal

As an army functions with various rankings of authority, so too do the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritually wicked in high places (Eph 6:12). These entities proliferate every sphere of life whilst remaining blind to the naked eye. In the Eastern culture, people don’t quibble at the mention of ‘demons’ or ‘spirits’ as their presence is more prevalent in those regions. We however in the ‘enlightened west,’ often remain blind to the spirit world which holds great sway over man’s everyday affairs.

The medical community has by and large overlooked the spirit realm and sadly, in ‘the West’ we’ve medicated patients who often require deliverance instead. I contend that many victims in mental institutions can only be ‘cured,’ by Christ’s blood and the deliverance it offers.
Jesus demonstrated His power and authority over demonic spirits on a regular basis throughout His ministry. He never once backed down from a confrontation and He is our example.

Never underestimate the power of deliverance

Clearly, not every malady is caused by demons, but Jesus performed deliverance on many occasions in His ministry. In some instances, immediate healing often occurred following deliverance of the recipient (Mat 8:16). We must never underestimate the power of deliverance and the instantaneous healing it may bring.

In western culture, we’ve educated our souls at the expense of our spirits. Many of us lack spiritual discernment within Christendom. Our inability to discern between good and evil is tantamount to our spiritual blindness. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. We should ask the Lord for discernment and exercise our spiritual senses to discern between good and evil (Heb 5:14).

We must expose the works of darkness

In today’s society, some call ‘evil’, good and vice versa (Isa 5:20-21). This is abominable in God’s sight. Scripture tells us not to participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead, expose them (Eph 5:11). We need the Lord’s help to identify these abominable libertines within the realms of media, politics, entertainment and business.

Those who willingly practice the ‘dark arts’ are playing with fire and will eventually end up burning themselves because they have no authority over the evil spirits they commune with.

Believers do have spiritual authority over dark entities, and we need to enforce it should the occasion arise. Jesus never went looking for demons, but He never backed down from a confrontation either. We need to have the same mindset, ready for confrontation if and when the need arises.
Jesus casts out demons once more

We need to open the eyes of our understanding

We need to anoint our spiritual eyes with ‘salve’ (Rev 3:18), discern the workings of evil spirits, and enforce our authority in Christ,especially when we pray for the sick. We live in a supernatural world undoubtedly, yet intellectuals have reduced the supernatural to mere superstition.

The supernatural realm cannot and must not be ignored. It’s more real than the physical realm. What begins in the spirit realm, spills over into the natural realm.

Many persecutions or trials we encounter have their inception in the spiritual realm. We must be rooted and grounded in truth, cognizant of the stark reality of an invisible realm which impacts the world around us. Not everything can be measured in a laboratory.
Can everything be measured in a ‘test-tube’?

Can a Naturalist be a Christian?

There are several worldviews which seek to marginalize God’s people in this post-modern society. Naturalists deny any form of the supernatural. They deem consciousness as merely a phenomenon of the brain and deny the afterlife.

An offshoot of naturalism is ‘materialism’, where everything exists in the physical realm only. In order for it’s existence to be proven, it must be measurable within a laboratory, i.e., it must be seen, touched, tasted or smelled. Science itself is rooted in materialism and very few scientist’s posses a Christian worldview, which is receptive to the metaphysical. This is in actuality, the correct worldview.

One cannot be a Christian and a naturalist at the same time. The Bible is saturated with supernatural manifestations. Statistics show however, that only nine percent of Americans have a biblical worldview. Many others have reverted to an “I’m spiritual but not religious” stance. This viewpoint neither requires a lifestyle change, nor accountability to God.

Modern Science ignores the supernatural

Modern science ignores the supernatural realm and its unexplainable phenomena. Many scientists in these last days are having to widen the spectrum of their worldview which needs to account for so much ‘unexplained phenomena’ from UFOs’ to demonic manifestations’ to orbs and so forth. Believers should know the majority of this phenomena is evil in origin and seeks to deceive mankind.
It never ceases to amaze me how blind we are in the western world to spiritual forces. On a daily basis, we are arrayed against sin, the flesh and the devil in this multidimensional war. Believers are predisposed to attack, but attack from whom? The devil is the prime culprit, yet he’s only a fallen cherub, neither omnipotent, nor omniscient and certainly not co-equal with God.

In order to carry out his pernicious ways, he retains the illusion of widespread ruler-ship by utilizing demonic forces at his disposal, in a systematic authority structure. These nefarious forces are at work in the earth on a continual basis and believers must not be ignorant of these spiritual entities (2 Cor 2:11). In addition, our flesh with its ungodly desires needs to be crucified on a daily basis.

We cannot ‘cast out’ that which needs to be crucified. It’s important we know the difference.

Satan has an army of dark forces at his disposal

As an army functions with various rankings of authority, so too do the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritually wicked in high places (Eph 6:12). These entities proliferate every sphere of life whilst remaining blind to the naked eye. In the Eastern culture, people don’t quibble at the mention of ‘demons’ or ‘spirits’ as their presence is more prevalent in those regions. We however in the ‘enlightened west,’ often remain blind to the spirit world which holds great sway over man’s everyday affairs.

The medical community has by and large overlooked the spirit realm and sadly, in ‘the West’ we’ve medicated patients who often require deliverance instead. I contend that many victims in mental institutions can only be ‘cured,’ by Christ’s blood and the deliverance it offers.
Jesus demonstrated His power and authority over demonic spirits on a regular basis throughout His ministry. He never once backed down from a confrontation and He is our example.

Never underestimate the power of deliverance

Clearly, not every malady is caused by demons, but Jesus performed deliverance on many occasions in His ministry. In some instances, immediate healing often occurred following deliverance of the recipient (Mat 8:16). We must never underestimate the power of deliverance and the instantaneous healing it may bring.

In western culture, we’ve educated our souls at the expense of our spirits. Many of us lack spiritual discernment within Christendom. Our inability to discern between good and evil is tantamount to our spiritual blindness. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. We should ask the Lord for discernment and exercise our spiritual senses to discern between good and evil (Heb 5:14).

We must expose the works of darkness

In today’s society, some call ‘evil’, good and vice versa (Isa 5:20-21). This is abominable in God’s sight. Scripture tells us not to participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead, expose them (Eph 5:11). We need the Lord’s help to identify these abominable libertines within the realms of media, politics, entertainment and business.

Those who willingly practice the ‘dark arts’ are playing with fire and will eventually end up burning themselves because they have no authority over the evil spirits they commune with.

Believers do have spiritual authority over dark entities, and we need to enforce it should the occasion arise. Jesus never went looking for demons, but He never backed down from a confrontation either. We need to have the same mindset, ready for confrontation if and when the need arises.
Jesus casts out demons once more

We need to open the eyes of our understanding

We need to anoint our spiritual eyes with ‘salve’ (Rev 3:18), discern the workings of evil spirits, and enforce our authority in Christ,especially when we pray for the sick. We live in a supernatural world undoubtedly, yet intellectuals have reduced the supernatural to mere superstition.

The supernatural realm cannot and must not be ignored. It’s more real than the physical realm. What begins in the spirit realm, spills over into the natural realm.

Many persecutions or trials we encounter have their inception in the spiritual realm. We must be rooted and grounded in truth, cognizant of the stark reality of an invisible realm which impacts the world around us. Not everything can be measured in a laboratory.
Can everything be measured in a ‘test-tube’?

Can a Naturalist be a Christian?

There are several worldviews which seek to marginalize God’s people in this post-modern society. Naturalists deny any form of the supernatural. They deem consciousness as merely a phenomenon of the brain and deny the afterlife.

An offshoot of naturalism is ‘materialism’, where everything exists in the physical realm only. In order for it’s existence to be proven, it must be measurable within a laboratory, i.e., it must be seen, touched, tasted or smelled. Science itself is rooted in materialism and very few scientist’s posses a Christian worldview, which is receptive to the metaphysical. This is in actuality, the correct worldview.

One cannot be a Christian and a naturalist at the same time. The Bible is saturated with supernatural manifestations. Statistics show however, that only nine percent of Americans have a biblical worldview. Many others have reverted to an “I’m spiritual but not religious” stance. This viewpoint neither requires a lifestyle change, nor accountability to God.

Modern Science ignores the supernatural

Modern science ignores the supernatural realm and its unexplainable phenomena. Many scientists in these last days are having to widen the spectrum of their worldview which needs to account for so much ‘unexplained phenomena’ from UFOs’ to demonic manifestations’ to orbs and so forth. Believers should know the majority of this phenomena is evil in origin and seeks to deceive mankind.
It never ceases to amaze me how blind we are in the western world to spiritual forces. On a daily basis, we are arrayed against sin, the flesh and the devil in this multidimensional war. Believers are predisposed to attack, but attack from whom? The devil is the prime culprit, yet he’s only a fallen cherub, neither omnipotent, nor omniscient and certainly not co-equal with God.

In order to carry out his pernicious ways, he retains the illusion of widespread ruler-ship by utilizing demonic forces at his disposal, in a systematic authority structure. These nefarious forces are at work in the earth on a continual basis and believers must not be ignorant of these spiritual entities (2 Cor 2:11). In addition, our flesh with its ungodly desires needs to be crucified on a daily basis.

We cannot ‘cast out’ that which needs to be crucified. It’s important we know the difference.

Satan has an army of dark forces at his disposal

As an army functions with various rankings of authority, so too do the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritually wicked in high places (Eph 6:12). These entities proliferate every sphere of life whilst remaining blind to the naked eye. In the Eastern culture, people don’t quibble at the mention of ‘demons’ or ‘spirits’ as their presence is more prevalent in those regions. We however in the ‘enlightened west,’ often remain blind to the spirit world which holds great sway over man’s everyday affairs.

The medical community has by and large overlooked the spirit realm and sadly, in ‘the West’ we’ve medicated patients who often require deliverance instead. I contend that many victims in mental institutions can only be ‘cured,’ by Christ’s blood and the deliverance it offers.
Jesus demonstrated His power and authority over demonic spirits on a regular basis throughout His ministry. He never once backed down from a confrontation and He is our example.

Never underestimate the power of deliverance

Clearly, not every malady is caused by demons, but Jesus performed deliverance on many occasions in His ministry. In some instances, immediate healing often occurred following deliverance of the recipient (Mat 8:16). We must never underestimate the power of deliverance and the instantaneous healing it may bring.

In western culture, we’ve educated our souls at the expense of our spirits. Many of us lack spiritual discernment within Christendom. Our inability to discern between good and evil is tantamount to our spiritual blindness. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. We should ask the Lord for discernment and exercise our spiritual senses to discern between good and evil (Heb 5:14).

We must expose the works of darkness

In today’s society, some call ‘evil’, good and vice versa (Isa 5:20-21). This is abominable in God’s sight. Scripture tells us not to participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead, expose them (Eph 5:11). We need the Lord’s help to identify these abominable libertines within the realms of media, politics, entertainment and business.

Those who willingly practice the ‘dark arts’ are playing with fire and will eventually end up burning themselves because they have no authority over the evil spirits they commune with.

Believers do have spiritual authority over dark entities, and we need to enforce it should the occasion arise. Jesus never went looking for demons, but He never backed down from a confrontation either. We need to have the same mindset, ready for confrontation if and when the need arises.
Jesus casts out demons once more

We need to open the eyes of our understanding

We need to anoint our spiritual eyes with ‘salve’ (Rev 3:18), discern the workings of evil spirits, and enforce our authority in Christ,especially when we pray for the sick. We live in a supernatural world undoubtedly, yet intellectuals have reduced the supernatural to mere superstition.

The supernatural realm cannot and must not be ignored. It’s more real than the physical realm. What begins in the spirit realm, spills over into the natural realm.

Many persecutions or trials we encounter have their inception in the spiritual realm. We must be rooted and grounded in truth, cognizant of the stark reality of an invisible realm which impacts the world around us. Not everything can be measured in a laboratory.
Can everything be measured in a ‘test-tube’?

Can a Naturalist be a Christian?

There are several worldviews which seek to marginalize God’s people in this post-modern society. Naturalists deny any form of the supernatural. They deem consciousness as merely a phenomenon of the brain and deny the afterlife.

An offshoot of naturalism is ‘materialism’, where everything exists in the physical realm only. In order for it’s existence to be proven, it must be measurable within a laboratory, i.e., it must be seen, touched, tasted or smelled. Science itself is rooted in materialism and very few scientist’s posses a Christian worldview, which is receptive to the metaphysical. This is in actuality, the correct worldview.

One cannot be a Christian and a naturalist at the same time. The Bible is saturated with supernatural manifestations. Statistics show however, that only nine percent of Americans have a biblical worldview. Many others have reverted to an “I’m spiritual but not religious” stance. This viewpoint neither requires a lifestyle change, nor accountability to God.

Modern Science ignores the supernatural

Modern science ignores the supernatural realm and its unexplainable phenomena. Many scientists in these last days are having to widen the spectrum of their worldview which needs to account for so much ‘unexplained phenomena’ from UFOs’ to demonic manifestations’ to orbs and so forth. Believers should know the majority of this phenomena is evil in origin and seeks to deceive mankind.
It never ceases to amaze me how blind we are in the western world to spiritual forces. On a daily basis, we are arrayed against sin, the flesh and the devil in this multidimensional war. Believers are predisposed to attack, but attack from whom? The devil is the prime culprit, yet he’s only a fallen cherub, neither omnipotent, nor omniscient and certainly not co-equal with God.

In order to carry out his pernicious ways, he retains the illusion of widespread ruler-ship by utilizing demonic forces at his disposal, in a systematic authority structure. These nefarious forces are at work in the earth on a continual basis and believers must not be ignorant of these spiritual entities (2 Cor 2:11). In addition, our flesh with its ungodly desires needs to be crucified on a daily basis.

We cannot ‘cast out’ that which needs to be crucified. It’s important we know the difference.

Satan has an army of dark forces at his disposal

As an army functions with various rankings of authority, so too do the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritually wicked in high places (Eph 6:12). These entities proliferate every sphere of life whilst remaining blind to the naked eye. In the Eastern culture, people don’t quibble at the mention of ‘demons’ or ‘spirits’ as their presence is more prevalent in those regions. We however in the ‘enlightened west,’ often remain blind to the spirit world which holds great sway over man’s everyday affairs.

The medical community has by and large overlooked the spirit realm and sadly, in ‘the West’ we’ve medicated patients who often require deliverance instead. I contend that many victims in mental institutions can only be ‘cured,’ by Christ’s blood and the deliverance it offers.
Jesus demonstrated His power and authority over demonic spirits on a regular basis throughout His ministry. He never once backed down from a confrontation and He is our example.

Never underestimate the power of deliverance

Clearly, not every malady is caused by demons, but Jesus performed deliverance on many occasions in His ministry. In some instances, immediate healing often occurred following deliverance of the recipient (Mat 8:16). We must never underestimate the power of deliverance and the instantaneous healing it may bring.

In western culture, we’ve educated our souls at the expense of our spirits. Many of us lack spiritual discernment within Christendom. Our inability to discern between good and evil is tantamount to our spiritual blindness. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. We should ask the Lord for discernment and exercise our spiritual senses to discern between good and evil (Heb 5:14).

We must expose the works of darkness

In today’s society, some call ‘evil’, good and vice versa (Isa 5:20-21). This is abominable in God’s sight. Scripture tells us not to participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead, expose them (Eph 5:11). We need the Lord’s help to identify these abominable libertines within the realms of media, politics, entertainment and business.

Those who willingly practice the ‘dark arts’ are playing with fire and will eventually end up burning themselves because they have no authority over the evil spirits they commune with.

Believers do have spiritual authority over dark entities, and we need to enforce it should the occasion arise. Jesus never went looking for demons, but He never backed down from a confrontation either. We need to have the same mindset, ready for confrontation if and when the need arises.
Jesus casts out demons once more

We need to open the eyes of our understanding

We need to anoint our spiritual eyes with ‘salve’ (Rev 3:18), discern the workings of evil spirits, and enforce our authority in Christ,especially when we pray for the sick. We live in a supernatural world undoubtedly, yet intellectuals have reduced the supernatural to mere superstition.

The supernatural realm cannot and must not be ignored. It’s more real than the physical realm. What begins in the spirit realm, spills over into the natural realm.

Many persecutions or trials we encounter have their inception in the spiritual realm. We must be rooted and grounded in truth, cognizant of the stark reality of an invisible realm which impacts the world around us. Not everything can be measured in a laboratory.
Can everything be measured in a ‘test-tube’?

Can a Naturalist be a Christian?

There are several worldviews which seek to marginalize God’s people in this post-modern society. Naturalists deny any form of the supernatural. They deem consciousness as merely a phenomenon of the brain and deny the afterlife.

An offshoot of naturalism is ‘materialism’, where everything exists in the physical realm only. In order for it’s existence to be proven, it must be measurable within a laboratory, i.e., it must be seen, touched, tasted or smelled. Science itself is rooted in materialism and very few scientist’s posses a Christian worldview, which is receptive to the metaphysical. This is in actuality, the correct worldview.

One cannot be a Christian and a naturalist at the same time. The Bible is saturated with supernatural manifestations. Statistics show however, that only nine percent of Americans have a biblical worldview. Many others have reverted to an “I’m spiritual but not religious” stance. This viewpoint neither requires a lifestyle change, nor accountability to God.

Modern Science ignores the supernatural

Modern science ignores the supernatural realm and its unexplainable phenomena. Many scientists in these last days are having to widen the spectrum of their worldview which needs to account for so much ‘unexplained phenomena’ from UFOs’ to demonic manifestations’ to orbs and so forth. Believers should know the majority of this phenomena is evil in origin and seeks to deceive mankind.

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