21 Mar 2024

Playing it safe doesn't guarantee security.

The world is on edge – constant threats, evacuations, and a suffocating atmosphere of fear. The Paris attacks, for example, were horrific. But I choose not to be bombarded by those images. The news amplifies fear, and graphic violence leaves an indelible mark. Feeding into that fear feels pointless. What's the point of living in constant dread of terror attacks?

It's interesting to consider how people managed news before television, where horrific images weren't instantly broadcasted everywhere. Back then, news often arrived through newspapers, which might lack visuals altogether or only have black and white ones. This makes me wonder if journalists and photographers today are truly serving the public by constantly chasing out these graphic stories and images.

It feels like a relentless cycle of sensationalizing misery and death, potentially leading to mass panic. Is there a real purpose to this constant negativity, or are we better off with a less graphic, more measured approach to news reporting?

Thinking back, wouldn't fear be less potent without the constant barrage of images on TV and the internet? Terror groups wouldn't have such a vast platform to spread their messages, and their influence might even be diminished. The internet was supposed to connect us, not trap us in a web of fear. This constant negativity through instant communication seems to contradict the original purpose of connection and understanding.

Breaking the Cycle of Fear with Love

The world seems consumed by fear, but I believe now is the time to embrace love, even for those who perpetrate violence. Some might scoff at the idea of sending love to terrorists or extremists, but I argue they need it most! Their violent behavior signifies a profound disconnect from the universal energy of love. If they felt loved and connected, wouldn't they spread love instead of hate? They suffer from a deep "love deficit." They need an extreme dose of love to replace the hatred within them. Only then can they spread love instead of causing fear. It's our responsibility to show them the way.

Imagine me, swept away by the constant barrage of fear. I'd become part of the "www of fear," trapped in this web of negativity. Connecting through fear is no different than connecting through hatred – both operate at a very low energy level. The terrorists use hatred to connect, and we respond with fear; it's a destructive cycle.

While media sensationalizes fear, the responsibility lies with each individual. We have the power to choose what we consume, what we discuss, and where we direct our attention and support.
Dear friend, be conscious of your choices. Don't feel powerless. You can choose to focus on fear, but don't be a victim to it. Fear and hatred only contribute to the negativity that shrouds our world.

I propose we weave a different tapestry – a tapestry of love. Each thought is a stitch added to this global fabric of love. There will be moments of doubt, dropped stitches in the fabric, but with awareness, we can repair them and maintain a strong foundation of love.

The choice is yours. Will you succumb to fear, playing into the hands of extremists? Their violence stems from a misguided belief that eliminating those unlike them will bring peace – a tragic error. They need understanding, light, and love, not more hatred.
Furthermore, fear, whether subtly or aggressively disseminated, is not a shield. True protection comes from love.

Transforming Hate Through Compassion

The most loveless actions often stem from a deep lack of love. Imagine the immense love deficit experienced by those within terror organizations. Wouldn't focusing our collective love on them be a powerful antidote to their hatred?

Let's bombard them with love through our thoughts and awareness. Deep down, they too are divine beings capable of love. Perhaps, by reminding them of their inherent loving nature, they can rediscover a path towards peace. Their violent actions might be a twisted cry for connection and unity, something true peace could offer. We can help them realize that harmony can only be achieved through love and compassion, not hatred.

Let's be the positive example, not mirroring their hatred. Responding with hate only perpetuates the cycle. World peace requires us to actively cultivate and spread love.

While the pain of loss is real and deserves acknowledgement, there's space for another perspective. Perhaps the victims' sacrifice serves as a wake-up call, urging us to prioritize love and let go of fear. Love and fear are incompatible, both in personal relationships and on a global scale.

This is an invitation to choose. Will you contribute to the growing tapestry of fear, or will you weave strands of love into the fabric of our world?

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