How to manage family?

19 Jul 2022

This is an epidemic in my opinion. Our current society spends more time away from home than at home. It’s very easy to sign up for activity after activity and commit yourself to helping others or volunteering for different events, but you are truly running everyone ragged.

This is non-negotiable. Yes, I am serious. I do believe every mom needs some down time—with no one else. Find what nourishes you. For me it is a once-a-month massage, getting up before my family and enjoying my coffee and quiet time, getting a nice walk at sunset, and meeting a friend for lunch. No one will make it happen for you; you need to schedule it in yourself!

A promise is your commitment and someone’s trust on you. when we promise someone, we give more power to our own words. Those words can bring a new meaning, a new hope.

If anyone take the decision in a family that should be better understanding and satisfy with each other.

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