
13 May 2023

In public life the form called 'speech' or 'lecture' is indispensable. In fact another meaning of public event is 'speech'. Two animals are required for this event. One is the chairman of the event and the other is the speaker or chief guest who delivers the speech. In front of these two animals a herd called Shrota is required. How small and large this herd will be is not certain. It often depends on the type of event and who the speaker is. This group called listeners are very cunning and clever. Just hearing the word 'lecture' makes them cringe. Wise people do not come to listen to the lectures, but even though this congregation is small in number, it does not spoil the program. It works even if there are ten or twelve people sitting on the satranji or bhui in front. The program runs successfully. Not so with the President and the Speaker.

They have to be both. Presidents often have nothing to do. It is said that earlier there were two types of reformers in Maharashtra namely 'Bolke reformers' and 'Karte reformers'. There are also two types of presidents. One is a 'talkative president' and the other is a 'dumb president.' People love dumb presidents. Someone from the village is a philanthropist, a gentleman; But these congregations are those who do not fall into the trap of making speeches. When one gets the honor of sitting next to the keynote speaker and finally gets a necklace around the neck or a bunch in the hand, the poor are happy. The audience is also happy because they don't make speeches, but the 'talkative president' is very presentable! He not only makes introductions at the beginning, but after the main speaker's speech, he rises to the conclusion to conclude and watch the end of the audience for at least half an hour. He also tries to refute the main speaker's points in his brilliant speech. So, I feel better if the program is not chaired when I go as a speaker. I went to Karve, a small village near Karad, for a similar lecture at least once or twice. The organizer of the lecture series there seemed very clever. He had decorated a beautiful statue of Dnyaneshwar Maharaj in the lecture hall. He said, 'Dnyaneshwar Maharaj This is the chairman of each of our lectures. We are not keeping another Nirala President!... Many of our small lectures are worth learning this lesson. But another formidable creature on the platform is the gentleman who introduces the speaker. I fear this gentleman more than the President. It is true that these gentlemen stand to introduce the speaker, but often they introduce themselves, because they know themselves the least of the guests. Often the audience is familiar with the speakers. They don't have any problem, but they introduce it with aplomb. Not listening at all. Some of these churches ask us to introduce ourselves.

They employ us using the prestigious term 'Bio-data'. (And that information is also passed on to the audience by making many savants mistakes.) There is often a tea party before the speech. There is some open gossip going on. At such a time, I got suspicious when an Isam moved closer to me and began to flirt with me and ask for my information. Probably this scholar introduced us I realize that will stand to do. I was immediately wary. That householder begins. "When exactly were you born?" "I was very young at the time, so I don't really remember myself." I answer. "Your education?" "A lot has been done, but it's no use." "Your books-" "are plentiful." "No, but what are the most famous books?" "Nothing too famous huh !" "So?" "If so, wouldn't you have remembered it ?" "Well, what's the specialty of your humor?" "Nothing special, but people understand." After all this exciting talk, he finishes his work and says goodbye to me with a smile and comments, "You are very funny". I breathe a sigh of relief. But without any information at all I have also seen brave introducers who make introductions at their own risk. One gentleman did not even know about my stick, but he did not waver. He was in politics so there was no such problem. He said in his speech, "Who does not know the names of the distinguished guests who have come to us today? All of Maharashtra knows him. So why do I need to repeat his name to you? Once you hear his speech, you will know his greatness. I request him to start his speech then." Another speaker did an interesting question-and-answer session as an introduction. "The full name of our chief guest today-" he began, turning to me and asking, 'What?' Now I was sitting in such a place that I had to say the whole name. "Yes, this is the name of-" as in "our total education?" "Yes, this is their education." "Your total number of books-" 'How many?' It took an hour of question and answer. I experienced an innovative method of introduction. The greatest advantage of this method is that there is no possibility of any mistake in the information benefit While in Aurangabad I experienced a new anecdote. The lecture was not mine. It belonged to someone else. I went to listen as a listener. Whoever was presiding over the event stood up to introduce the guests and promptly forgot their names. Now who to ask? The secretary of the organization was sitting nearby. He slowly asked them, "Hey naam kya hai sale ka?" They were not even aware that there was a sound detector in front of them. so what Everyone heard this question. People also went and heard that salya too. There was a great deal of laughter and the meeting became colorful from the start. These great congregations do not know what we say, what is the exact meaning of the spoken word, whether it is praise or ridicule. Once a gentleman while introducing me said, "Today we are very lucky! What should I tell you about a great man like him who came to our village and heard his speech? Hey, there is little to talk about. Talk about them as much as you can, just as coal is raised A little!..." Hearing this, my face turned black like coal. One gentleman did even more.

The other day he came to my house and folded his hands and said, "Excuse me, yes, we are in a lot of trouble. Now you save us." When I enquired, I found out that the gentleman was a teacher in some school and had come to us on the occasion of a friendly meeting. I asked what was the problem. Then he mentioned the name of a big gentleman. "We have a gathering tomorrow! Now we invited him as the president. They said they would come right and the wire came today, so I can't come -' "Well then?" "So what? What should we do now? That is why have come to request you. Come as the chief guest tomorrow. Give the children what four prizes they want. Make a ten minute speech and that's it! Take our time." I had time too. I will accept that request And Second I went to that school that day. input Welcomed. The ceremony started and that gentleman He stood up to introduce me Do you know what they said? to me Looking respectfully he spoke, “The chief guest of our ceremony today - who is here today - was actually not invited by us. We had called those Amkya-Tamkas, but they said they were not in time, so we simply asked them, 'Are you coming? Immediately said yes - ' " I only heard the laughter and clapping in the meeting. My eyes did not see, because I kept my neck down for a long time.

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